Energiser Wanted

Cleaning, fixing, using, repairing, best and worst of your mechanical aids in the garden...

Moderators: KG Steve, Chantal, Tigger, peter

KG Regular
Posts: 88
Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:19 pm

Hi, anyone out there got an Energiser they dont use/need?

When we relocated we stored a load of stuff in some old farm buildings. Our unit was broken into and we thought nothing was taken. Since moved it to a friends barn and sorting out now we have a permanent base again (relief)! However somehow at one place or other we now find that quite alot of stuff has walked including my 2 electric fence energisers 1 x solar and a 12 volt battery one. I am so cross, ive recently bought an incubator, paid out to have electricity to shed and my husband has made a brooder and we plan to use electric net fencing to keep the chickens safe as soon as they are big enough to go out. But some B@@@a@d has taken our energisers!

So, I will get to the point, If you have one that you do not need, and can let me have cheap, please let me know. Doesent matter what type as long as it will keep the foxes and cats away from my hens! Hopefully ....
My only prejudice is prejudice