Optimistic Collared Dove

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Last week when it was warm and sunny a collared dove constructed a nest - more like a small handful of twigs - on top of the wisteria on the pergola. It is still sitting on the nest after the gales and rain.

It is a really silly place to nest as it has no protection at all and is on full view of the magpies and sparrow hawk. I hope the wisteria hurries up and provides it with a bit more cover.

The robins in the nest on top of the garage window are busy feeding young and there are several blackbirds nesting around the garden too, and blue tits in the nest box near the back door, so hopefully everything will do well after their late start.
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They are daft birds - rubbish at nest building. I used to have diamond doves and they were equally inept at nest building. It's a wonder there are any left in the wild :shock:
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I've got a ornamental pear out the front which to me always looked a good spot for a bird to nest but after 10 years (& the help of ivy up the trunk) have a blackbird family nesting. Have sparrows under the tiles on the garage & starlings in the house roof tiles! Want so many more but the local school cut down the trees at the back so my little pear tree is the only place left.

(No I'm not spoiling them with mealworms!) 8)
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We had a Collared Dove take up residence in the ancient apple tree on our allotment. The daft bird built the nest around 4' from the ground in a precarious place....how the messy nest stayed in place, I'll never know. However, it survived gales, cat attacks and harassment from various other birds, finally fledging three chicks.
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We are used to intelligent Blackbirds in our garden, having watched several breeding pairs raise numerous off-spring over the years, always choosing almost fool-proof nesting sites.

THIS years pair are as thick as short planks! They have built their nest in the Laurel trimmings on the brick pile about 2 foot off the ground!!!! That's Laurel trimmings, by the way and not a laurel bush!

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Well the dove is still sitting on her nest despite a visit from my cat who checked out the contents of the nest - fortunately still eggs. After reading the success of your garden birds in daft places I suppose it is just a matter of luck.
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Well the poor dove has sat through gales, hail and rain for all this time just to have the magpie steal the contents of the nest this morning. It was still sitting all day yesterday despite being pelted with large hail stones on and off all afternoon. Still it might learn by experience and choose a more sheltered spot next time.

The robins are alright though and are feeding their fledglings in dense undergrowth at the edge of the garden. There are also several young blackbirds from various different parents, the slightly older ones trying to boss the younger ones about and chase them off the bird table, and the adults shoving beakfuls of worms down them every so often.

The weather here is absolutely horrible with heavy rain, gale force winds and really cold, so I was surprised to see some bumble bees foraging on the flowers. The hive bees are staying in though - I suppose they don't have furry jumpers to keep them warm.
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