Forget organics, now it’s biodynamics

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"The Funny Farm" is alive and kicking and found somewhere near Coventry!
I remember that crowd moved from somewhere else (I cannot remember where)to their present site some years ago.
People are usually "sent to Coventry",but they moved voluntarily!

Next they will be out baying at the full moon, in robes!
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I am also trying this check out my posts "biodynamic updates" and my blog below :)
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My father used to plant depending on the phases of the moon, but I couldn't see any difference in the crops.

Perhaps if you are prepared to pay so much attention to everything your ground is in good heart and you observe and tend your plants well, good results will follow whatever you do.

I'm afraid I very often don't know what day it is, never mind the phase of the moon, but I do get very good crops and have an untidy (natural), but beautiful garden.

I'll keep an open mind on this and if it is proven then I may give it a try. I really don't have the energy or inclination to make gardening more complicated. It should be relaxing and somewhere to forget your problems, not an environment where you are worrying about if it is the right time to sow, plant or harvest in relation to the lunar calendar. It should be enough to be in tune with the weather and seasons.
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Hi Plumpudding,
This malarkey has been around for a few years now and I have yet to manage to get a believer to run a parallel experiment. There are even people who marvel when the seeds germinate planted through the so called lunar period. I would suggest that when planted seeds germinate whenever and wherever they are sown.
This is my 65th growing season and I have yet to feel the need for planting at any specific period and have followed the advice originally from Mr Middleton who's book was the only one available in 1943.
Frankly it is not so much as when you plant something it is the weather and conditions through the season that will determine as to how good a crop you have.
If you plant by the moon and have a good crop I would suggest that it is the conditions through the year that have done this and nothing whatsoever to do with the moon.
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How does "one" get bought packeted Heleborus seeds to germinate???

Have planted seeds from packets in the garden and in pots (kept for 2 years) nothing, total waste of a small fortune, in paper pounds!

Yet seed saved from my own plants germinates in pots over winter, and the self seeders germinate like weeds.

Maybe planting by moon phase might help?
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Hi Lurganspade,
Hellebore's are best germinated using a high temperature technique 20C-30C (68F-86F) during June and July. Once germinated take them off the high heat and rear in normal temperatures in June, July and August when normal temperatures are generally high enough for them to grow away well.
You might mumble some mumbo jumbo over the propagator but unless the moon governs the heating unit it is likely to be as good as peeing in the Atlantic with every endeavour of changing the tide.
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Johnboy after 65 seasons Ithought you might have learnt something by now, Biodynamics have been around a lot longer than you only proven ideas survive time.
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Pump King,
Oh I have learned a thing or two in that 65 years and the greatest of all is not to be taken in by a load of crap.
If you can find a genuine book, stating verifiable facts and not a load of mystical theorising published before 1943 I would be more than surprised.
To say that biodynamics has be around longer than I have means that you have been played for a sucker.
We hear that the Myans and several other ancient civilisations used it but the strange thing is that they have all disappeared. By all account the Myans were slashers and burners and a move on at the end of the season type of people.
You are entitled to believe what ever you like because it is your right and prerogative but because you have been sucked in please do not try and suck in others as on this forum we try very hard to deal in facts not mystical theories, half truths and downright porkies.
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The Maya people didn't disappear, but their civilisation did - under the influence of Spanish Catholics.
Perhaps just as well as they were very keen on human sacrifice, probably for agricultural reasons. Any biodynamic/lunar planters might perhaps consider adopting some of theother beliefs.
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I was given "Gardening and Planting by the Moon 2008" by Nick Kollerstrom by our next door neighbour for Christmas. What a fascinating read, I have learnt many wonderful things from it. For example "In the last week of February 2001, the world's worst foot-and-mouth epidemic hit the headlines just as Saturn was coming into conjunction with Algol (at 26 degrees of Taurus), which has the reputation of being the most evil star in the firmanent, while Saturn is traditionally associated with agriculture. Saturn remained within one degree of Algol throughout most of March, as the British farming industry saw the progress of the massive extermination project......". But here is the explanation why these methods don't work for most of us "The sidereal rhythms described in this book will work optimally for the gardener using organic methods. An interest in lunar gardening goes hand in hand with organic growing. Organic soil can produce crops healthy enough to respond well to these cycles, whereas soil that has been chemically fertilised may not, or not to the same extent."
Although it is easy to believe that the moon can exercise some power over the water table the concept of planetary intervention in anything to do with growing (or life for that matter) is truly beyond belief. On a more scientific note; the calendar in the book told me I must not plant my potatoes on March 7th but that the 13th was auspicious, if I had planted them on the 7th they would still have been in the ground when the 13th came around so surely they would have benefited equally from the good times?
I wish I could find some bollocks like this or the Da Vinci code to write up and make my retirement more comfortable.
I asked the neighbour the other day if she wanted to read the book now I've finished it, don't think she realised I was suggesting I gave it back!
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I take it's a 'no' then Geoff?
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Hello Johnboy.
Finally got round to replying!

Was potting on a lot of Helebore seedlings today. when they grow on a bit I plant them out down in my plot.
It takes about 2 or 3 years before they flower, most are washed out colours which I dump. Any good colours I keep, the rest I take to the gardening club, for funds!
T&M sent me a voucher and an offer; any 2 packets of seed free if I placed an order. As I needed some things that only they have, I took my free seeds as Helebore, though it looks as if I will have to wait to June before I receive them.

I will try out your method with them Ta!

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Hi johnboy, Could only find this one the one that I use:-

The Biodynamic Sowing and Planting Calendar

by Maria Thun & Matthias K. Thun

The original biodynamic sowing and planting calendar, now in its 46th year. This useful guide shows the optimum days for sowing, pruning, and harvesting various plant-crops, as well as working with bees. It is presented in colour with clear symbols and explanations. This year, for the first time, the calendar includes a pullout wallchart which can be pinned up in a barn, shed or greenhouse as a handy quick reference

Although they are using principles a lot older than that.
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Essential Viewing for Unbelievers!
Organic is Best!

Was watching a DVD of the film,
"The Outlaw Josey Wales" last night!

When the Snake Oil salesman tried to "shop" the hero to the soldiers, he ended up with his face in the horse droppings.

Which just goes to prove "ORGANIC IS BEST"

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Interestingly enough I checked out the Biodynamic garden at GO just last last week...the tomatoes look superb whilst in the allotment garden next door the tomatoes have a touch of blight
I am in my own little world,'s OK, ...they know me there!
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