
General Cooking tips

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I've just bought one of these. Was a hard decision as didn't just want one that did softer veg like courgettes but wanted to try Squash & Beet & other veg spaghetti as well. I ended up with one that also slices etc. None are electric which was surprising & I'll be gutted if magimix bring out a blade next week!

Anyone got one? Any hints or tips or good recipes? This one didn't come with any recipe books but those available on line (& I was shocked how many considering it is a fairly newish product), seemed to be all about courgettes.

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I must be living in the last century because I've never heatd of them.
What are they, and what are they supposed to do ?
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Never heard of them either!

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I bought one because I has a few recipes for using courgettes mainly instead of pasta and these are supposed to do it quickly and easily.

I have tried it on a few things, but if they aren't perfectly straight (which most veg aren't) I've had problems keeping it turning. It might just be operator error.

It is probably easier to cut thin slices with a potato peeler or mandolin.

Lakeland were giving tiny ones as free gifts that you push into the end of a carrot and you get a curly whirly bit of carrot (if it didn't break)
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I was a bit of a kitchen gadget freak in my early married life and used to get taken in by all those skilled demonstrators at the Ideal Home Exhibition, so for many years had cupboards full of things like Chopper domes which chopped carrots and onions , and a pineapple peeler which you inserted over the fruit and it stripped all the peel off. They got so rarely used that in the end it was quicker and easier to use my favourite sharp knife rather than spend ages emptying cupboards trying to find things so the charity shop inherited most of my collection. No doubt some of them are now cluttering up somebody else's cupboards :lol: !

My other cheap favourite kitchen gadget is my Victorinox potato peeler. I haven,t found another peeler to equal it. Alas it often accidentally goes AWOL iinto the compost heap so I now have three to guard against this happening. And when I recover them fromheap a year later when the material is dug out , they are still totally fit for use. Now that is what I call a well made product !
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Will have to wait until it's delivered to see how it operates. I rejected the little hand held ones & the ones with the handle on the side as it looked a bit low & was afraid I hit my hands on the bench turning it!

PP I do hope it can cope with crooked veg - I seem to be a bit of an expert at growing those! :D

Will feed back when I've given it a test drive!

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I can't wait Westi.

I've been hot for a spiralizer for some time and whilst we have a lovely home we have to cope with a galley for a kitchen so useless kitchen tools get to be a burden for a bloke who can't throw stuff away.

I am managing with that julienning thingy that she bought me. (I think you had a photo)

Can we have full photographic detail with some quality text though I won't expect expletives if it's another gadget for the bin.

Anything that might get her to eat more veg is going to be a bonus and she will eat courgette in some preparations. Spiralized courgette might mean more courgetter eating though I'm at a loss to find any information on the the nutritional value. I love it dripping with garlic so I suppose that adds to the values.
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Anything that enables courgettes to be enjoyed raw in some form of salad is be welcomed, especially with various interesting dressings. To my mind plain boiled courgettes are an abomination!
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It's come & I nearly had a heart attack with the size of box Amazon put it in but in reality it is about 9" x 7" so OK for storing. It has come with some other features I didn't really need but in the customer comments it was the only one that they mention harder veg like sweet potato & pumpkin. If I just wanted courgette I would have bought one of the diddy hand size ones but want to experiment with other veg. Not tried it yet but plan to on weekend so will post some pics if I can. (Always end up too many pixels so no promises).


This is the link they send instead of a booklet. I have a pasta loving hubby who has diabetes & carbs of any sort really push his blood sugars up so I figured 1) It would give the illusion of pasta & 2) I will get more veg down him & 3) I want to experiment with different presentations of salads & cooked veg etc. (Maybe I might use one or two of the other blades)

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I have used it quite a bit now, including some of the extras. Works well & cleans easily so might be the mini magimix going into the cupboard. I spiralized a small sweet potato, steamed it & pimped it with some mild diced chilli & fish sauce etc to serve with Thai green curry prawns instead of rice. Very colorful & tasty. Also did a courgette, sauteed it with a bit of Olive Oil & served it with creamy cheese & garlic sauce - lesson with that one is that the courgette shrinks dramatically in volume so go with more than you think & not too much oil as it takes it up then gives it back! Used the grater & had to play with the one that accordions the carrot to put in my salad at work - just for fun!

PS: Tried to put in a pic but as always said was too big even though I cropped it! Very frustrating - Grrrr!
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