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growing veg in the work place

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:32 pm
by the custodian
i have managed to convince my work place to allow me to grow a few things, trouble is the only space i have is a car park surrounded by wire mesh security fencing.
i have agreed that we will only grow what we can eat on site, sounds good so far eh, trouble is we have no cooking facilities apart from a microwave.

first thing i would like to grow is strawberries in an old black dustbin with holes cut in the side, the idea is that any member of staff can come in in the morning and pick a few fresh strawberries for lunch for free, maybe someone could bring in some scones :D i was also thinking of some kind or blackberries that can be trained through the mesh.

please let me know of any ideas you may have for what else we could grow, so far its only 2 of us doing the growing but im sure once we start more people will come forward :?

Re: growing veg in the work place

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:15 pm
by Nature's Babe
Autumn fruiting raspberries, loganberries, thornless cultivated blackberries,
blueberries in tubs, mini cucumbers are great for munching in a heatwave and could be trained up the fencing, cut and come again salad leaves, stuff a few to freshen your sandwiches tomatoes if you have a sunny wall, think vertically as well as horizontally.
Black bin strawberries, in the centre place a large tin - top and bottom removed, fill around the tin with earth, fill the tin with stones, pull the tin up to the next level, and repeat till you reach the top of the tub, you will have a central pillar of stones surrounded with soil. When you irrigate the water will filter down the stone pillar and out into the soil.

Re: growing veg in the work place

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:44 pm
by the custodian
thanks NB i have written all your sugestions down and will be passing them on to my team member, we really want to do well and maybe encourage others to do the same.

Re: growing veg in the work place

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:12 am
by Nature's Babe

Re: growing veg in the work place

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:53 pm
by Smurfy
How about spaghetti marrows ( as you can cook them in the microwave.

Never tried them myself but it's got to be worth a try if you could find a container big enough to grow it in.

Re: growing veg in the work place

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:22 pm
by WestHamRon
Smurfy wrote:How about spaghetti marrows ( as you can cook them in the microwave.

Never tried them myself but it's got to be worth a try if you could find a container big enough to grow it in.

Don't, they're disgusting. :lol:
French beans would work,as would peas.

Re: growing veg in the work place

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:09 pm
by Monika
French beans would work, but you can't eat them raw, in fact, you must not eat them raw.

If you can supply deepish bins with light soil, how about carrots? you can pull them when required (rather than harvest the whole lot in one go) and eat them raw.

Re: growing veg in the work place

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:27 pm
by Nature's Babe
Radishes, they crop between other crops and are harvested quickly before the other plants get large

vertical collection ... n/p92416TM