Runner beans

General Cooking tips

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I have loads of runner seeds from last year, far too many to plant. Are they OK to eat (like kidney beans)? If so, how best to cook?
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I have the same question. I was looking if this subject had occurred before.

The info on the internet refers to red kidney beans and I guess this applies to all the other colours of runner or kidney beans, but don't know for sure.

The dried beans should be soaked over night and drained, then cooked in fresh water on a good boil for at least 10 minutes to remove the toxin they contain.

Has anyone here used dried runner beans in stews? If so did they taste OK and were they similar to the tinned red kidney beans?

I've got loads this year as I got fed up with picking them as green beans and left them to go to seed. I've selected some from the best plants to grow next year, but don't want to throw the rest in the compost if they are safe and good to eat.
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My mum was telling me last week that she ate a load of the beans from her runners in a stew and they were wonderful (although she didn't give me a comparison with other beans). As they were fresh she didn't need to soak them and she's still around this week so I guess it's OK to eat them :D

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Brooklynodog, did you mean BOUGHT runner bean seed? In which case, I would be wary of eating them. They might have been treated with an anti-fungal dressing to help them keep longer. They would certainly be ok for sowing next year. I usually keep runner and French beans and sometimes peas and broad beans for sowing for two years running rather than buying fresh seed.
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