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Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:37 pm
by selwood
Hi Everyone
Its been so long since ive grown sweetcorn that ive forgotten when best to harvest
All the plants have 3 cobs on (Only did last second so my kids could see where they came from)
Most the silks on top have gone brown and dryish
They seem fairly plump in some cases
Any advice would be very welcome


Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:10 pm
by oldherbaceous
Dear Selwood, i wait until the tassle on the actual cob has gone brown, and then open a cob slightly, stick my thumb nail into one of the corns and if a milky liquid exudes they are ready.


Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:34 pm
by glallotments
Just started to harvest ours and they are delicious


Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:56 pm
by peter
As the tassells go brown and start to dry out.
Check a cob by parting the green covering and pressing your thumb or finger nail into a kernel, the outcome should be a creamy liqued drop on your nail.
Sludge means you've left it on the plant too long.
Buttermilk means not been left long enough.

Remember the shorter the gap between leaving the plant and arriving steaming on your plate the sweeter the cob. :D