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Crab Apple and Damson Chutney

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:19 pm
by Stephen
In the first "Victorian Farm" programme on BBC this mix was made and mentioned as coming from Eliza Acton. Now most of the Elza Acton reprints/edited versions were produced years ago, so I was wondering if anyone had this receipe (are we allowed to post copies of other people's receipes?).
I always wonderd what one might do with crab apples. I never had much enthsiasm for Crab Apple Jelly.
My sister has both crab apple trees and a damson in here garden so the suggestion of crab apple and damson chutney seized my attention!
I like a bit of cheese and chutney and make it from marrow, corgette and rhubarb as they are all available in season. I hope to get plenty of beetroot to grow and use them too.

Re: Crab Apple and Damson Chutney

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:45 am
by John
Hello Stephen
Don't like to see a posting go unanswered on forum so I asked DW if she had an ideas. She came up with a plum and apple recipe from her WI recipe book. It could easily be modified for crab apple and damson. If you are still interested I'll post it up for you. WI recipes, like Delia's, are always give very good results.


Re: Crab Apple and Damson Chutney

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:33 am
by Stephen
Thanks John
As you say plum and apple can not be so far from damson and crab apple (except in sweetness).
I plan also to wander along to the local library to see if they have a copy of an Eliza Acton, but like bookshops they appear to only stock the modern stuff.
I plan to go and see my father next weekend and I could look through my late mother's recipe books, but, as we had lots of crab apples and my mother made lots of chutneys, I doubt that there is one amongst them.

Re: Crab Apple and Damson Chutney

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:29 pm
by snooky
Afternoon Stephen,
There is a recipe for "Apple&Damson Chutney"which you may be able to substitute crabapples for Bramleys on:-

http://www.eattherightstuffsquarespace. ... /3/trotsky"s-treat.html

Found this site whilst looking for chutney recipes for my wife.

Re: Crab Apple and Damson Chutney

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:40 pm
by snooky
Just checked site address and not showing.Apologies.

Google "trotsky"s-treat"and that should put you on the right track.

Re: Crab Apple and Damson Chutney

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:30 pm
by Stephen
Hi Snooky
I found it on Thanks.
I will beg the ingredients from my sister next autumn :wink: