Plot raiders

Need to know the best time to plant?

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Over the last two weeks we have had a series of night-time raids on the allotment site
The perpetrators (allegedly dressed in black and white striped jumpers)have attacked several rows of carrots and sweet corn in various parts of the site

The powers that be have sympathised with the plotholders and have assured us that they will give the culprits a serious taking to when they eventually are identified...ASBO's have been mentioned

They have even managed to gain entry to my chicken wire fruitcage... the entry point has still to be indentified
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My sympathies, Weed. It's a frustrating business and in our "victim of society" tolerant world there's little we can do. The chief constable can't call up a posse at will these days.

Some of my fellow plot holders have had onions taken from near the path and those further off have been left alone. Vandalism to our water-pump has often left us in the past unable to water when needed.

The most bizarre instance of vandalism occurred 2 Friday's before Easter. Somebody went round with a hacksaw or bolt-cutters identifying the weakest points in each sheds padlock and cutting through it. No sheds were entered and nothing was taken.

When I first took up a plot the story was that vandals went round burning down the sheds. However, it all started when one of the Italians offerred to look after one of the pumps and protect it from misuse or vandalism. As all these Italians originate from different parts of Italy, none will tolerate being told anything by any of the others. This poor chap was the first to have his shed burnt. Our secretary is convinced that it's the Italians burning each other's sheds and blaming it on teenagers from the local Bangladeshi community or the school ahich borders ourt plot.

It's all calmed down now,but we accept that it's only a matter of time before something else happens.

Hope your episode is just a one-off

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I blame electric razors.
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We always get trouble during the school hols. Only this last week after our new security fence was completed. 5 about 12-14 blantantly jumped the fence one afternoon, ran amock picking fruit, hurling apples at us plotholders, shouting abuse. We called the police, bobby on his bike came, rounded them up, took names and addresses etc. Did it do any good? - not a bit of it they were back again the next day.

My sympathies to everyone who has this sort of trouble.

Electric razors? - how about cut-throats!!!

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A friend of mines' site had every onion on every plot (around 80 plots) stolen a few summers ago. The general consensus was that a buger/hot dog van owner was to blame but was never traced. The site is surrounded by student accomodation too so there have been a few starving students caught with the ingredients of a stew in their pockets, but I have to say they have only taken what they needed and not damaged anything else in the process. Its the wanton destruction that leaves one feeling so depresed.
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Weed, I don't know about your black and white (badger ??) raiders, but I think I finally know who nicked all the gooseberries off my plants in the front garden. A couple of nights ago our security light was triggered and we spotted a young fox painstaking sniffing and nibbling around the gooseberry bushes for several minutes. I've heard that foxes will on occasions eat fruit if it's sweet enough.(They certainly like honey) I'm just wondering if this little monkey was returning to see if he'd missed any.
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Congratulations Primrose in your midnight burglar analysis

The point of entry to the cage turned out to be the entrance...One of my neighbours went in the cage to pick some red currants (with my permission)and didn't place the wire section of the door back into place...The badger made short work of the plastic secondary barrier slashing it into shreds.

Two plots away are some lovely mature sweetcorn plants as yet untouched..

Question: Did my corn taste better than my neighbours or does the badger need to go to Specsavers? :wink:
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