Kitchen Garden Magazine operates a posting policy here for the protection of its Forum members and readers, plus legal reasons.
Board use: This forum is intended for use by readers of Kitchen Garden Magazine and the general public. The board is NOT to be used by commercial entities to promote or sell products of any kind. Trade / Business advertising will result in an immediate ban. Private items for sale are accepted in General Chatter only.
Normal message board rules apply throughout; no swearing, abuse, harassment, flaming, racism, spamming etc.
Harassment can be defined in several ways: Deliberate and pointed questioning, personal comments are some - but please bear in mind when commenting on others posts - many users may not know as much as you, and may not agree to your point of view. Trying to impose a political or personal view upon others will also be seen as harassment, and treated as such.
The Forum is moderated. Kitchen Garden Team reserve the right to edit or delete posts.
There is a warning system for unacceptable behaviour which will lead to membership review:
Members will get a Yellow Card warning for misuse/misbehaviour, which will be reviewed after one month. When under a Yellow Card probation, if another warning is required, the Member will be kicked off the Forum. Bans may be permanent.
*Exceptions to this rule are if a member has joined specifically to post abuse or spam the board. In this instance no warning will be given before banning.
If you intend to use a Signature line/picture, it would be considerate to keep it to a sensible length. This simply makes it quicker to scroll down topic replies. Your signature may NOT include links to commercial sites. It may contain a link to your personal site or a charity/non profit site if you wish.
It can assist other members replying to growing questions if you set a general location on your profile, Cornwall, Birmingham, or North Yorkshire are examples.
By posting here you agree to these rules.
Remember to keep it community spirited!
Posting Rules & Guidelines
Moderators: KG Steve, Chantal, Tigger, peter, KG magazine, KG Emma, Chief Spud