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Hot Red Tomato, Pepper and Chilli Chutney

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:33 pm
by Chantal
I've just made this, you need a BIG pan if you don't have a maslin pan. I loathe coriander and cardamon so omitted these items but the end result is wonderful. I also think that it would double as a pasta sauce, either by adding meat or just neat.

3 kg red tomatoes, firm
5 large peppers (1.4 kg)
1 kg onions
100g fresh root ginger, grated
230g dark Muscovado sugar
500 ml red wine vinegar
2 tubes tomato puree (double concentrated 200g)
1 ds Sea Salt
1 ts allspice
0.5 ds cumin seeds
1 ds coriander seeds
2 ds mustard seeds
12 whole cardamom pods
12 large chillies
7 large garlic cloves

ds = dessert spoon
ts = tea spoon


Cut up the tomatoes into medium sized pieces (2-3 cm). Peel and roughly chop the onions. Grate the ginger and cut-up or crush the garlic and add to the mixture. Add the peppers, chillies, sugar, vingegar, puree and salt.

Dry-roast the cumin, coriander, mustard, cardamom pods and seeds in a small frying pan for 2-3 minutes. Immediately grind in a pestle and mortar and add all of it (including any husks and pods) to the mixture.

Put on the heat and bring to the boil stirring frequently. Then gently simmer for about 2 hours with the pan lid in place.

Stir from time to time. Then remove the lid and allow the liquid to almost evaporate continuing to stir from time to time.

When the chutney is thick enough turn off the heat and allow cooling for 5-10 minutes before bottling-up in preheated jars.

Seal the jars when still hot and store for 6-8 weeks to mature. Makes 10 - 12lbs