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Oh no, deceased frog!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 7:49 pm
by mazmezroz
Just had a terrible, horrible experience. Was walking through long grass at lottie when left foot croaked. Flat frog. Felt awful. My only consolation is there are loads of froggies about. Hope flat frog didn't have life-long partner.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:11 pm
by Jenny Green
I don't think they have life long partners. In fact I think they're notorious for sh*gging anything vaguely froglike in the spring. (Sorry if that was a bit rude, Mr PH.)
It wasn't like you did it on purpose. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:34 pm
by jopsy
take heart!
once on hols in the maldives i was walking along in my flop flips in the evening, you get the drift
felt a squelch and looked down , i stood on a lizard, his eyes had popped out-gross, i insisted dh piggy back carried me everywhere for the next few evenings!

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:04 am
by Jenny Green
Oh no. That's reminded me of an incident I'd managed to forget up to now. I wandered into a dark garage in Florida barefoot, stood on something, looked down and in the half light saw an enormous cockroach. (They grow them supersize out there.) I gave an embarrassingly girly shriek and dh appeared with the kitchen knife, thinking I was being attacked by a serial killer.
I can stand any kind of insect, spiders crawling on me, mice, rats, anything, except cockroaches. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:25 am
by Johnboy
I was about to cut the back lawns the other day as I cut them a fortnight ago for the first time after the drought and got the mower going and then there was one hell of a sudden downpour so mowing was out of the question. I put the mower away and looked over the lawn which seemed to be moving. I then put my glasses on to see literally hundreds of small Frogs leaping all over the lawn. Now this is a large lawn and it seems as though just about every square inch had a Frog on it. I simply dread to think what would have happened had the rain had not come so quickly. When I got the mower out there was bright sunshine and I am so thankful that the unexpected rain stopped play.

Oh no, deceased frogs

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:21 pm
by Primrose
Anybody with a pond should beware of mowing their lawns after the end of June when the baby froglets are migrating from the ponds.
I now always do a brief visual sweep of the lawn before mowing and mow very slowly indeed ,so that the little creatures can jump out of the way and I don't churn them up in the mower blades. The first time this happened after we installed our pond I felt like a murderer. Now I always watch out for them. Reckon they face enough hazards with the magpies swooping down for a tasty snack without having to flee our mower as well.