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Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:19 pm
by Compo
Can I harvest a few of my telegraph cucumbers now for the kids, they are 3-5 inches long, any tips for keeping the skin a uniform colour? home grown cukes look a little scruffy compared to the shop bought ones...........



Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:05 pm
by peter
Aahh, but they have something the shop ones do not don't they Compo, taste!

Plenty of sunlight is the only thing i can think of for the colour.

Dad had a glass straightener for greenhouse ones, I think it was hung from the roof with wire and the baby cuc' inserted through the neck. Heavy great big thick glass thing two foot long. I reckon it would have been clear of leaves and in the light.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:01 am
by Carole B.
Yes,you can eat them small,Compo,or better still next year grow a small fruited one like 'Rocky' which crops incredibly well with lots of 3"long cues (no,they're not gerkins!)just right for children's lunch boxes etc.
If the colour is going a bit yellowy then the cue has been on the plant too long,pick a bit sooner.