Protecting early peas

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I have for many years had no problem with mice eating my peas until the last two years when they have decimated the emerging shoots. Any suggestions on how I can protect them from those pesky rodents?
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The Mouse population seems to have exploded over the last couple of years!
I have started to put traps down, over the allotments, to try and clear the majority of them….I do this for any crops that mice cause a problem to….Beetroot is something they have taken a liking to, over the last few years!,
I do understand some people don’t like the thought of trapping them though….
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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Grrr! Forgot to go on full editor again & OH posted at same time!

A brief resume then PJD!
1. They don't like camphor so get some mothballs, but crush them down, not into dust but small bits to sprinkle around the plants so they last longer, so technically each plant is protected.
2. You could try those kiddies whirl around things which will vibrate in the soil, but of course wind is needed.
3. There are solar powered individual deterrent stakes you can buy which emits a sound that we can't hear but they can & dislike. I found these last about 3yrs nail the plastic over the solar panels gets brittle & cracks. Every year in the Lidl's garden event they have a 'proper' sonic deterrent which you can also charge yourself but mine lasts spring - autumn on sun charge & I only take it home once in winter to charge. It has multi settings so you can focus on individual pests - rats, mice, deer, cats etc.

Parkside is the brand, tried to post a pic but won't accept! Another glitch it seems as full editor says 6mb allowed & pic is only 2mb !
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Westi, have you tried pressing the back arrow, to see if your post comes back up, the press submit!
I did this with my previous reply, and it sent the second time….a real pain though.
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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Are these direct sown peas? I stopped trying direct sowing years ago and use rootrainers instead and don't lose many apart from when a rabbit got to them. I sow two per cell.
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