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Today I decided to clear out the moss between the bricks on the back patio at home & refill with sand. It turned out one of those jobs that rewards you as takes little thought as you get in the swing but you get almost instant results to spur you on. Plan was to do it in thirds, but I did the lot. Three hours later it was looking like new & overnight we are anticipating drizzle which should settle it in & allow me to top up any that need it, which will be a few as lots of curves.

I was pinning for bindweed which by some miracle I can't find this year as gives me the same feeling - not complaining & no doubt it will be back soon. Off to take some more paracetamol now so I can get down to the plot tomorrow & save my Lemon tree. ;)
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I got an appointment through the post on Friday Wednesday next week I have to go to the hospital they are sending a camera one going up my back passage one going down my throat I managed to speak to my doctor today as this came out of the blue no warning he said I seen a specialist in November and discussed it with him the one I seen was to discuss my knee operation I had earlier last year no mention on a blood problem anyway today I found out I’m anemic what will tomorrow bring
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Hi Robo,
Lot's of reasons to be anaemic, not necessarily related to any active bleeding in your gut. You would note gut bleeding as your stool would be black & if you returned your NHS bowel swab it would have been picked up there. Did they send you the instructions & pills to clear your bowel & fasting for this investigation? Very poor communication & it should have been discussed before just getting a letter so try to speak to someone on the day before consenting to this as it's a procedure that comes with risk. John Boys bowel was perforated when the hospital in his area did this investigation.
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Crikey Robo. That must have been a shock. Hopefully they haven't mixed you up with another patient of the same name in the same hospital actually happened to a friend of ours a few years ago.
Anyway good luck for next week if it,a really is for you. I suppose you have to be grateful that you,re at least getting something done when waiting times are so long.

And if you need to take the " clear out " medication before the colonoscopy, it,s worth taking it a couple of hours earlier than indicated. Its after effects have been known to linger and you don't want to be still suffering while en route to the hospital.
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Best wishes and good luck, Robo.

I had a burst ulcer in my stomach several years back. Vomiting blood and black runny sh!ts wirh a most awful smell. If you had anything like that you'd know about it. Of course I have no idea about your medical condition but it doesn't sound as though it's as frightening as you maybe think it is. Hope I'm right. (I'm an accountant with no medical training.)

Best of luck anyway. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
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I’ve checked with everyone it’s definitely for me I spoke to my doctor on Monday seems it’s him that asked for the cameras as it’s the best thing to do when a patient is anaemic, I was issued with four pouches two for each procedure, I did tell him the letter was the first I had heard about being anaemic he said the specialist should have told me I told him I must have a severe memory problem as all I discussed was my knee with him he must think I’m nuts I hope the camera down my throat is the first one and not up my arse first as I might throw up if it’s the other way around
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I seem to have a problem there is nothing I can press to thank anyone the printing as I type is very small and some parts are faint
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ROBO, the same thought about thorder of camera use probably ccured to some of the rest of us too! The two procedures may be in different rooms by different clinicians.
I,m a little surprised, that if the issue of anaemia had entered your consultant,s mind he hadn,t mentioned it in the follow up letter to your GP as well as mentioning it to you but I find it hard to figure out how the Health Service is supposed to operate these days! Good luck anyway,!
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Wonder what the pictures will look like when they meet.
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Probably something like my compost heap!
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I thought the 2 cameras might share a handshake and a toast of champagne when they meet
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Blimey it has rained big time down here, almost non stop. Easing off by tomorrow though. I wonder if we will be sharing hints & tips for water saving & sun skin care in the summer or still paddling??
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Afternoon Clive, have all the Snowdrops finished exceptionally early, at Gunby Hall?
There’s barely any flowering here now…looks really strange, still in February and no Snowdrops.
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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I always say that snowdrops are more reliable to time than anything else in the garden year so are at the peak of flowering mid Feb, come what may. They were, well maybe a day or two up, but I would agree they do seem to be going over quickly but the rate of growth on the daffodil, primroses and the wood anemone to take over the flowering show has been very rapid too. I have seen this before, can't remember the year. One year though the snowdrops flowered on for a good few weeks whilst the daffs remained stationary, that might have been 2012.? I seem to think that 2011 was a jackpot year for everything but 2012 was a real grey sky sort of year.
Fairly cold this morning and a cool edge to it all day..but in the sunshine..Lovely :) Zonal pelargonium repotting and there has been a mower out and about too..
A different day to yesterday's 16mm rain..

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Tried keeping off the lawns today, as there were very squelchy……
Had a big Cedar branch to cut up and clear, then repair the chainlink fence, that it had landed on!
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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