An apology at last...

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... we would just not give up and went higher and higher so that the bad treatment of us would be recognised and apologised for. The barstewards closed ranks at evey turn but now, eventually, we have achieved our aim. Someone, nearly the level of the Prime Minister, has accepted that "mistakes were made" and apologised on behalf of all the minions below her. My next job is to get apologies from various other idiots. With Madame's apology behind me that shouldn't be too difficult.

I really despise idiots who think they're cleverer than you and see it as their job to mess up your life. No. I'll not put up with that. :D It is nice to be dealing with someone with a brain, though, instead of the usual oxygen thief.
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Any mention of compensation? This has had a financial & health toil on you which need not had happened if they had just sorted it from the start. You stood your ground; but how many have caved from sheer frustration?
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Hi Westi,

Nah, no chance of compo. Taxpayers money and all that. It might have been nice but what really hurt me was the injustice. And I wanted to see that put right. We're getting there.

We only had one more level to go up and then we would have gone to an external tribunal of some sort. Maybe then we might have got compensation. Bah, to think of all these hours spent arguing with idiots when I could have been doing something enjoyable and making some money.

It's really ridiculous. Anyone with a brain could have said back in March "Ooops, we made a mistake. Sorry." But no, they've spent the last eight months denying everything. Oh, it's just a difference of perception. No it's not! I don't give a stuff what they perceive. We have facts and evidence on our side. I am also somewhat unhappy because [Edit: I have partially removed who did this - don't want to cause any more grief than they've already given us] looted our home. Maybe that's just my perception. I will tackle that one next.

Sorry, I'll try not to be such a miserable git.
Last edited by Stravaig on Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Why do so many people behave like complete sh!ts these days? It's like it's the norm to behave badly. We officially moved out of the rented flat and handed back the keys a month ago. We didn't do any damage, nor did we steal anything and we left the place clean. The lettings agent didn't even come to look until after three weeks after we left. Considering there was an external door which had to remain open (not just unlocked!) during our tenure (a whole year!) this is not impressive. Our deposit was five weeks' rent.

If we were strapped for cash how are we supposed to find that again (OK we do have credit cards). And what about trying to persuade the next landlord that we can afford the rent on his/her place? Fortunately we just moved back home having got shot of our tenants. They were probably OK but right from the start of the let we told the lettings agent that we wanted the place every August, normally a void (students), but he let it out to one of them without even asking us or telling us! We wrote to say we'd arrive on whatever date and pick up the keys. And only then he thought to tell us that he'd let one of the tenants stay on for August. And then later we discovered we'd only got half a month's rent. I don't know if I'm a nutcase or what but I am very fed up of the bad treatment by employers and people with even a little bit of power.

I don't know how people manage these days. But I sure as heck want our deposit back soon. Five weeks' rent is not a small amount.
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