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Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:55 pm
by Stravaig
I was reading the June issue of KG mag today and they have an advertising feature about a product called Plantsurge. It creates some kind of magnetic water to boost plant growth and reduces slugs.

I admit I didn't entirely understand it all but it seemed good - probably too good to be true. Showed the article to husband and he said he was very sceptical. I just wondered if any of you have read the article and what you thought. Have any of you even tried this product?

Re: Plantsurge

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 7:24 pm
by Westi
I haven't read my KG mag yet but had a quick look. It reminds me of those clip on copper things you put around your tap pipes which softens the water if you live in a hard water area. These work by breaking down the hard lime scale with a slight magnetic charge to prevent it joining up & settling on & blocking your pipes eventually. Lime scale is alkaline & looking it up online it says this 'impairs plant growth by restricting water supply to the roots & they have less ability to extract essential nutrients'. So is you did have a water supply which is slightly alkaline this would work potentially.

I haven't seen the clip on copper things for ages but probably still available. When they divided the county we left Hants & our water is now supplied from a different source.