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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 9:23 am
by Stravaig
Yeah, yeah, every dog and his man will tell you that you should make your own. OK, I've done it and know how to do it, but you're working with raw egg (a risk for vulnerable people) and to do it right would take longer than an old cripple like me could crawl to Asda.

Just buy a jar...

Right, so now you've made or bought your mayonnaise. What's next? Well, you could pretend to be Belgian and have chips (frites) and put your mayo on the side...

...but it doesn't have to end there. You can use your mayo for loads of other flavours. For example, mix a bit of wasabi into it. Oooh, wasabi mayo with furikake fries.

You could add tomato ketchup and a bit of cognac, etc, and make a Marie rose sauce for any kind of seafood cocktail. (Want a recipe?)

You could add sriracha - or any other hot sauce - to it and there you go. Another type of mayo.

The main point is, you don't have to stick to bog standard mayo. A jar of the usual stuff can be quickly transformed into something quite special. :D

Re: Mayonnaise

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 10:52 am
by Primrose
We like to mix our mayo with horseradish sauce for a slightly different flavour. Nice with a potato salad & smoked fish.

Re: Mayonnaise

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 11:01 am
by Stravaig
I've not tried that one yet - but I sure as heck will give it a go. :D What a great idea.

Re: Mayonnaise

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 12:01 pm
by retropants
I used to mix mayo and ketchup when making avocado and prawns for my dad. I was quite young and enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen with my mum overseeing. Apparently, I used to make them a pot of tea on a tray and take it up to them on sunday mornings when I was just a wee lass of 5 apparently!

Re: Mayonnaise

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 7:27 pm
by Westi
The easiest sauce for prawn cocktails & way nicer than any prepared ones you see on the supermarket shelves. Now I'm a grown up I always pop a couple of drops of tabasco in it as well.

I leave out the avocado though as I have traumatic memories as a child being feed way too many so they were not wasted & certainly not with fancy sauces or prawns. I have worse memories of mangoes though with all the neighbour hood kids stuck in the bath (no mess), with me being almost force fed. The smell was so overwhelming in that confined space almost every kid ended up being sick which did not help one bit & probably why I just can't bear them.