Forb fiasco - and my revenge

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Who knows what a forb is? You probably all do but I'd never encountered the word until very recently.

It's a herbaceous flowering plant, eg a sunflower.

It reminded me of our squirrel shenanigans (in Surrey several years ago). We were growing sunflowers on our patio. One day I looked out of the window to see that a squirrel had shinned up the sturdy stalk and was feasting on our sunflower seeds. I didn't really mind. Live and let live.

But then the darned rodent set up home in our loft and we feared all kinds of damage, eg chewed electrical wires and the like. We figured out it was getting in through old and damaged lead flashings so we hired a builder to come and plug up the hole. We had a lot of fun and games (not) chasing the squirrel out in the first place so the builder could block the hole.

Despite being told about the nature of the job before he accepted it, the builder then confessed a terrible fear of squirrels. :roll: He did eventually manage to block the hole but the squirrel came straight back and tried to rip off his repair patch. Several times.

Several years later at a farmers' market we looked at a game merchant's stall. He was selling squirrel! Of course I had to buy it. :twisted:

Actually it was very tasty, nicer than rabbit, and husband enjoyed having a conversation at the supermarket. He said he was next going home for his Sunday roast dinner. "Oh, what are you having?" the shop assistant enquired pleasantly. "Roast squirrel," was his reply. :shock: