Leaking greenhouse roof

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I have a Hartley 7 leanto greenhouse which has been very good and still is in good condition but the roof panels leak at the bottom edge. This started about two years ago and has got worse. As far as I can see the PVC sealing strips on the glass edges have perished. Apart from reroofing with new strip (which is not available according to Hartley), presumably resealing with some type of mastic should work.
I tried that from the underside last autumn but it has not worked and in heavy rain the water pours in along the bottom edges of the roof glass panels.
Are there any suggestions on what to do ? I asked Hartley, but they said they couldn't help as the parts were no longer available and suggested a local glazier. Easier said than found ! Sounds like it is not a greenhouse for life as stated by Hartley !
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Is that the one with three sloping panels then a vertical? Is it the last joint before the vertical that leaks? I would have thought an exterior glazing grade clear low modulus sealing silicone would work, try the Screwfix No Nonsense version. I'm surprised Hartley weren't more helpful, their products cost enough to fund decent customer service.
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Thank you. It has two sloping panels and then the vertical. The leaks are at the lower edge of the higher panels.
I'll try the one you suggest - I shall have to do it on the inside as access to the outside is impossible without taking out glass panels.
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rob29 wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 4:49 pm I have a Hartley 7 leanto greenhouse which has been very good and still is in good condition but the roof panels leak at the bottom edge. This started about two years ago and has got worse. As far as I can see the PVC sealing strips on the glass edges have perished. Apart from reroofing with new strip (which is not available according to Hartley), presumably resealing with some type of mastic should work.
I tried that from the underside last autumn but it has not worked and in heavy rain the water pours in along the bottom edges of the roof glass panels.
Are there any suggestions on what to do ? I asked Hartley, but they said they couldn't help as the parts were no longer available and suggested a local glazier. Easier said than found ! Sounds like it is not a greenhouse for life as stated by Hartley !
That's an interesting point by the way, I hadn't even thought of it that way. Thanks for elaborating on that.
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