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To line or not to line raised beds

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:33 am
by Tgr79
I’ve spent so long digging my lawn to make raised beds. I’ve used second hand pallet collars but I’ve not lined them. I’ve only just read that on the Internet I guess I have to empty them all and refill? :cry: Is lining the way to go?

Also it said about putting matting on the bottom to allow worms and moisture to pass through but not weeds. Any idea what kind of matting? I have some but I don’t think worms can pass through it. I did dig down a way before starting the beds. I’ve used 2 collars per bed. Thank you in advance.

Re: To line or not to line raised beds

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:54 pm
by peter
Not sure what you mean by pallet collars?

Re: To line or not to line raised beds

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:53 pm
by Compo
I never line them. The bottom allows free passage between the ground and the infilled earth - a natural connection. As for lining the sides. I wouldnt as what that will do is trap moisture between the timber and the liner. I treat the timber with what ever wood treatment I have to hand.

Re: To line or not to line raised beds

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:05 am
by Colin2016
The only lining I use is cardboard.

Re: To line or not to line raised beds

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:41 am
by tigerburnie
I have put a weed membrane at the bottom of my beds with the idea of restricting invasive roots, I didn't bother lining the sides. The theory that it will help slow down the wood rotting doesn't stand up as the top and outside are exposed. A plant friendly wood treatment would work, those collars are not that thick, so they won't last forever, whatever you do, I used railway sleepers for mine.
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Re: To line or not to line raised beds

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:51 pm
by Stephen
If it was me, I would put down a double layer of cardboard and put the collar on top of it. Make sure the cardboard cover is absolutely complete and extends beyond the containing collar.

I have a bit of a down on non-compostable weed-suppressing membranes at the moment as I am clearing some which have been overwhelmed by weeds after a couple of years of neglect.
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Bindweed above, below and through this fabric. Couch grass does just the same.