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Best Strawberries (in pots) growing medium

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:46 am
by retropants
As I have given up my allotment, I have saved about 20 strawberry runners in pots for this year. My new plot at home is still hardstanding at the moment, and will be for some time. I am planning on potting up the runners in either troughs or bigger pots.

My question is: what medium should I plant them in? I was thinking of a soil based mix perhaps would be best, but as I've never grown them in pots before, I'm not sure.

Re: Best Strawberries (in pots) growing medium

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:52 am
by Geoff
I grow some in pots in the polytunnel and use homemade soil based compost. When I am digging tunnel and greenhouse beds I bag up the soil from the first trench then when I add compost the beds don't get too high. I use this with leafmould and sharp sand to make a JI type mix with fish, blood and bone as the fertiliser with a bit of extra potash.

Re: Best Strawberries (in pots) growing medium

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:40 am
by tigerburnie
I grow French Strawberries in pots in shop bought multi purpose compost and will re-pot and add a bit of fish, blood and bone to it, I then feed once a week during the summer with tomato fertiliser.

Re: Best Strawberries (in pots) growing medium

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:02 pm
by Primrose
If you're planning on leaving them in the same pots for up to three years I,d be tempted to use a soil based compost which is more robust than the usual potting compost. I suspect this will probably be less prone to drying out in warm weather although obviously you will still need to add some fertiliser or nutrition in subsequent years.

Re: Best Strawberries (in pots) growing medium

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:49 am
by retropants
thanks all, I'll make up a soil based mix for them :)