Planning for next year

Polytunnels, cold frames, greenhouses, propagators & more. How to get the best out of yours...

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what ever i am going to grow i will have to go and buy new seeds, went down the lottie on sunday and found , instead of loads of packets of seeds and one large box of wild flower seed i had just a pile of paper and cardboard. Looks like mice!
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They might have done you a favor ,I think most of us are guilty of saving seeds we should have binned years ago I know I'm the world's worst it was only a month or so ago I binned some leek seeds that were passed their best in 2002 I pulled them out of the rubbish bag twice before I made the right decision
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Agreed. I will be checking all the seeds in the shed, most will be past their best.
This year, I have made a resolution to use all the seeds in each packet, probably as two (or three) sowings.
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This surplus of seeds seems to be a national problem as few people have an allotment and generous growing spaces. The answer might be for the suppliers to sell packets with fewer seeds but at lower prices but that is probably not a profitable proposition for them.

I usually keep my seeds in tightly lidded polythene boxes in the garage. It's the only way I can protect them from the mice. I would think atoringnthem in allotment sheds makes them pretty vulnerable as they can be pretty undisturbed for most of the time.
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I was feeling very virtuous when I did my seed cull this year, but already it is sneaking up again from the freebies on mags & I just couldn't resist the offer of all my friend's seeds & quite a few of her pots & staging from her greenhouse which is being dismantled & removed as they are doing up their house for sale & want a 'Summer House' in that spot. (Loads of seeds, all in date & organic).

I am too weak! Nah! I am well excited - everything is actually in date which was the original plan for my seed cull, so now I just a few more varieties & choice but still the sticking to the plan!
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It's amazing how seed firms ever actually sell a lot of seeds because I have already collected almost 30 packets of vegetable seeds since last summer from freebies on magazines (I know, I do buy a lot of mags). Very few are of any interest to me so they will be passed on to other gardeners and will hopefully be sown and enjoyed by somebody.

By the way, I keep our seeds in a biscuit tin in the cupboard under the stairs where it is dry but dark and cool.
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My resolution to use all the seeds is new this year. While I don't have multiple plots, my determination is to give produce away rather than throw seeds away. So I am waiting for everything to fail!
Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
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