Basil and home made pesto

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Seeking some advice here because we’re trying to solve a mystery.

My husband has been twice struck down with a dose of compylobacter in recent months and the source of its original has been hugely puzzling because we haven’ t been to foreign climes, eaten in dodgy restaurants, and our food is nearly always cooked from scratch from fresh ingredients. Also, we have nearly always eaten the same food. He has been struck down whereas I have been free from infection

Having scratched out heads, we’re wondering if the trigger could have been a jar of home made pesto made from basil. We make a large batch, freeze in smaller portions and from time to time defrost and decant a portion into a smallish jar which then lasts up to 3 weeks in the fridge. Are we storing this for too long? Our fridge runs at between 4 & 5 degrees.

We’re wondering whether, because the basil is uncooked, it undergoes a change to trigger this )nfection. On the two occasions when my husband has been struck down with this bug he thinks it may be because his grilled fish was coated with pesto whereas I eat mine coated with a sweet chilli sauce.

Does anybody have any theories about this? I’m aware of the botulism risk with bottling items like sun dried tomatoes in olive oil and wonder if anybody has had a similar unfortunate experience.
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Primrose, I've just been googling homemade pesto seems it's only to be refrigerated 5 to 7 days hope this helps
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Dear Primrose, i hope you find the answer to your question as quickly as possible....I don't suppose your Doctor could have it tested, could he/she?
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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Alas OH, the offending jar and its contents have now been binned so I suspect we will never know the answer.
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