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Persimons / Sharon fruit

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:13 pm
by Primrose
(Also sold on our village market stall as "Kaki" fruit, althiugh I don,t know why.

I was just sitting here eating one and wondered idly if anybody has ever grown them in this country or knows anything about their required growing habitats.

I know a lot od them come from Israel which suggests a warmer climate than ours but perhaps with global warming happening, a lot of things previously not grown here might start appearing, at least in the warmer parts of the country. I was also thinking of avocados, (Our market stall holder makes me laugh. Anything that isn't recognisable as an apple, an orange or a banana is always referred to as "queer gear" . He's happy to sell it but has no idea how to cook it or eat it ! :lol:

Re: Persimons / Sharon fruit

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:00 pm
by Geoff
This advice seems a little conflicting but you should be OK with your 60' atrium!

Re: Persimons / Sharon fruit

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:35 am
by Primrose
Interesting reading on avocados Geoff. I recall years ago when avocados first started becoming popular here, it was quite a rage to try and grow your own plant from the seed. I think all the plants eventually went spindly and died though. Interesting report of an avocado tree thriving in London though. Wonder if it's still there.

Perhaps a tall slim atrium on his allotment will be Pa Snip's next project. He's certainly got enough big containers and compost to get them going! Something along the lines of the London Shard perhaps?

Re: Persimons / Sharon fruit

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:44 am
by Pa Snip
Talking of shard, Primrose is sharp this morning