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Registration has been made compulsory

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:35 pm
by KGAdmin
Dear all,

Due to some terrible spam posts being made by Guest (who are NOT Guests or ours!) we have had to stop Guests posting completely.

I'm sure all will be a little dissapointed we've had to do this, but I'd rather have a few complaints about registering then a LOT of very upset people when a porn Guest works out how to post abusive images here too.

KG forum has had a lot of publicity recently, so its no wonder we are attracting a lot of attention - not all of it good.

As a temporary measure, once registered you will have to wait for an Administrator to approve your account before you can post. This system will be in initially just for this weekend, to put a halt to any further suspect accounts.

May I also just remind everyone that this forum is own and run by Kitchen Garden as an added benefit to its readers.
PLEASE treat our hard working Moderators with respect and please keep all posts on-topic and friendly.

A lot of hard work goes into running a board like this and we would appreciate your help in keeping it the No.1 place for Kitchen gardeners.

Thank you all.

Jason Williams