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Dog roses: good or bad?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:54 pm
by Barry
I have three dog roses growing in a corner of my new plot where I was thinking of erecting a shed. Given how muich I like their pale pink flowers, I was thinking of leaving at least one of them in situ. However, today, I began digging around the general area and found quite a complex root structure, which seemed to be part of the dog roses.

Have any of you had any experience with coexisting with a dog rose? Are they invasive to such an extent that it is not a good idea to leave them on a plot, given that roots can spread way beyond individual plants?

Any experience of this species welcome.

Re: Dog roses: good or bad?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:35 am
by Pa Snip
Hi Barry

My reply is just a thought, it certainly isn't based on personal experience with dog roses.

My thought is that it is not uncommon to see dog roses on plots or gardens that are worked. Surely they can be pruned back regularly to keep growth above ground under control.

If the dog rose is in an area that is going to be worked then wont the regular digging with a spade cut through the root system and exercise some control over it.

Perhaps my logic is misplaced in the case of a rampant dog rose but cant be worse than trying to control a blackberry for instance.

Re: Dog roses: good or bad?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:23 am
by peter
They are brilliant in a site boundary fence and excellent for wildlife, also rosehip syrup. :D

They are a bugger for snagging clothes and arms.

Invasive, depends, they're a bit like brambles, they can root from a shoot lying on the ground, the one I have in my wildlife plot hasn't and doesn't throw up suckers either

Fairly easy to control by secateurs and leather gloves, debris disposal is interesting due to the thorns, bonfire once dry works for me. Digging up a well established clump will require a pickaxe, strong spade and active gardener in good health. :wink:

Re: Dog roses: good or bad?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:44 pm
by Barry
Mine is close enough to my boundary fence to be trained along it, thereby providing quite a good deterrent against intruders!

I'm just worried that, if left, it might decide to take over the whole plot....

FYI, I have had to hack out another of these plants from the wilderness next to my plot and boy did the mattock bounce the first time it hit the roots! I thought it was just a bramble, but these things are TOUGH.

Re: Dog roses: good or bad?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:00 pm
by peter
If left, yes, trimmed and trained, no. :D

Re: Dog roses: good or bad?

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:06 am
I've a few in a hedge at the edge of my garden. One has quite small thorns and is less of a beast. The other three are more vigorous and have vicious thorns. If you chop through the roots on the garden side it should reduce the vigour but might encourage sucking which you wouldn't want. I just cut out the older stems and tie down any that are waving about to the fence.