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breezing in...

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:19 pm
by pongeroon
...after ages not posting, as if nothing had happened :D
Anyone else got rubbish garlic? Ours are undersized (very) and some have gone rotten (neck end, not roots). The ground grew fennel last year, I think, and was well dug over and fertilised with garden compost and blood fish and bone, and the garlic was watered properly. Dunno what went wrong. Any ideas?

Re: breezing in...

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:49 pm
by Motherwoman
Hi Pongeroon,

Possible over-feeding? Compost and FBB could have been a bit much for it and caused some rot. Don't know about the undersized bulbs though, did you use 'proper' seed garlic or just split a grocer's garlic? Some of the chinese bulbs around don't seem to do well in our climate.

Anyway, welcome back!


Re: breezing in...

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:42 pm
by Westi
Mine were actually quite good - over wintered well! BUT had taken advice from IOW garlic at New Forest show last year which was just put it in your ground as is & not fed & leave it be & then in spring give it a bit of a feed. So soil not particularly good over winter but a little burst when warming up makes it swell!

(Unfortunately didn't go to show this year & person I asked to get some more bulbs for me said not there but will give their advice another go just to test on bulbs I get from lottie shop!)


Re: breezing in...

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:27 pm
by pongeroon
Thanks for your help, MW and Westi.
The bulbs were from IOW, which was one reason why I was so disappointed in the result. I think maybe in previous years I have not been so conscientious about preparing the ground, and maybe that suited the garlic better. So I will revert to my more usual laissez-faire attitude next year and hope for good garlic :lol:

Re: breezing in...

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:51 am
by Motherwoman
That's it, just give a gallic shrug and poke them in!