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Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:05 pm
by Elmigo
Don't have any garden fleece, it's expensive material for an inexperienced gardener but thanks! I may need to buy one for next year. Don't think it's a lot of effort to move the container back to the window. Would be worse if the plants were in solid land where you can't move them hehe

This is the second time growing them. Last year was the first, it didn't go as planned :oops: the bush beans suffered from extreme summer heat and couldn't produce before dying off. I had to learn about it, one way or the other, right? Spring is just the right moment for them, apparently.

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:07 pm
by Diane
Amazing growth. Well done. They look so healthy.

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 5:35 pm
by Elmigo
Bok Choy is getting pretty large, so today I decided to stir-fry the largest one with some onions, rice, eggs and a lot of other stuff.

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I cut it off just above the ground, so from the inside a new plant will form for our next meal, bon appetit!

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This is the bok choy that has been cut off. It continues to grow a new head on it!
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Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 8:45 pm
by Primrose
Interesting that you've cut the head off the park Choi and left the roots and stalk in. Will it grow again and produce another crop?

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 10:15 pm
by Elmigo
Primrose wrote:Will it grow again and produce another crop?

Let's find out together! :mrgreen:

(I've read that it does, this is also my first time)

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 7:06 am
by Primrose
Well, many other plants do produce a further crop so you may be lucky, although it may be a much smaller one, and you may possibly need to add some liquid fertiliser or some more nutrients of some kind to your compost.

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 11:24 pm
by Elmigo
Just planted my red sweet peppers in a larger pot! I think I'm going to give a few to my friends, don't know if I have enough space for all of them. Just couldn't throw healthy pepper plants away. So these are my little guys:

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Does anyone know what this one plant could be doing? Its leaves are hanging down a bit but it's still growing I think. It's the first column one at the 4th row. I did not treat it different from the others and it was that way before repotting, it's not the stress caused by that...

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 6:31 pm
by Westi
I'm not sure Elmigo, but I have had it happen to mine before, the plant kind of recovered but not as productive by far. It was in the greenhouse & some leaves went quite slimy so I thought to much humidity as overwatered.

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 7:18 pm
by Primrose
It does sometimes happen to small seedlings. I think they're more sensitive to over watering or under watering When they're small and less robust. Still you have plenty to spare I think to allow for the odd mistake.
Presumably they're still inside?. Peppers like it really warm so don,t risk putting them outdoors yet if the nights are still cold as they are here or they won't thrive.

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 7:33 pm
by Elmigo
Yes, the nights are still very cold! I have them all placed indoors at the windows for sunlight and warmth. Today after repotting I discovered that this pepper plant actually healed and the leaves are no longer hanging! Very strange...

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:06 pm
by Westi
Maybe only shocked a bit but determined to grow. I'm a softie & I would keep that one - just as an extra though. Squeeze it in somewhere as an experiment & feed back to us how it progresses.

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 9:05 pm
by Elmigo
I will, definitely! Yesterday I also got myself a flower seed mix to plant somewhere and help the bees a little. It contains poppys too! Perhaps I can use a hanging basket or something.

It happened so fast I didn't notice, but it looks like one of the bok choy plants is starting to flower. No more edible leaves but I'll save it for seeds for the end of the year! It happens very quickly to bok choy early in the season, when days get longer...

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Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:59 pm
by Elmigo
It all looks a bit different. I have been moving around containers, adding some compost and nutritious elements to the soil of harvested containers after pulling out the remaining roots. The lettuce is all harvested so there is some space for new plants! Looking at the crop rotation image it's best to put some fruity plants after lettuce. Still got 150 cm of empty container left and contemplating what to put in there...

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Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:58 pm
by Westi
You are doing a great job with your wee space & everything looks really healthy.

Re: Let me introduce you to my tiny little heaven!

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:08 pm
by Elmigo
Westi wrote:You are doing a great job with your wee space & everything looks really healthy.

It's a chaos though, all those containers need to be moved when the crops are done. I basically have to re-organize most of the space everytime after harvesting a couple of crops :lol: Where do I get the time?