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Re: Fig tree for patio

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 8:13 am
by Pawty
Hi Robo, I also followed Monty's advice and took off all figs. I didn't really have any smaller than a finger nail ( or not that I noticed). I only had one fig that was eatable, but the plant was new this year, so I have high hopes for next!

Also, I put the first twig in a border - it looked completely dead, and was sent a replacement - amazing it grew a few leaves, but no figs. I'll leave it in for now, although it's not really in the right position.


Re: Fig tree for patio

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:30 pm
by Westi
Hard to kill them for sure. Mine is in a big plastic urn type pot, When i wanted to move it I found it had grown a single huge root through the hole in the bottom. I had no choice but to move so sawed it through thinking it's a goner but survive it did. It has really tiny fruit right in the branch joints, which I nearly missed, so took off the bigger ones and fingers crossed might get some fruit from these guys.


Re: Fig tree for patio

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:20 pm
by larosi125
I have a brown turkey here at home and I definitely recommend it to. It is fit for this climate and easy to take care of