How are your seedlings doing?

Need to know the best time to plant?

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Forgot to bring the two trays of broad beans in last night but thankfully there was no frost so they are fine. Sweet blessed rain has washed the air clean of filth. As soon as I stop coughing after the dratted slurry will start digging maybe.
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Ok, so last night I had 3lettuce seeding's, this morning about 100... So I'm chuffed with that
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Thought you might like the strange pattern of growth of my potatoes in the tunnel. They are Rocket planted at the beginning of February.

IMG_3545_R.jpg (465.36 KiB) Viewed 5547 times

The left side is the edge of the tunnel and the bigger plants are in the middle and beyond. I can't decide if it is an edge to middle effect or the warmth of the concrete path. This is the layout of the tunnel with the main path in concrete and the side paths of gravel. The tunnel runs East-West and the left hand side is the South which makes the pattern even stranger.

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Hi Geoff,

Could you have unknowingly planted them deeper at the start of the row.
Did you draw out a trench?
Cheers PJ.

I'm just off down the greenhouse. I won't be long...........
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They were trowel planted and all the same I think PJ, alternate ones would be bigger but I think I put bigger at each end.
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The Carlin peas in trays on a windowsill are starting to emerge..set three more small trays ( the ones chicken comes in as I feed my cats and dog raw) of broad beans, but they are saying wintry showers later today :shock:
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Sowed a number of different tomato varieties on 20th Mar. Put most of them in heated propagators in greenhouse. 6 of one type went in unheated propagator in greenhouse.

Got some in the heated props coming up already.

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Brand new at gardening, so placed a month ago lots of different tomato seeds and strawberries in propagators for a start and have used my conservatory as a greenhouse (so cold at night!). Have just repotted tomato seedlings into growing compost... I hope at least a few will give some fruits! The strawberries look much lazier and only 5 minuscule seedlings are starting to appear. Today I've also started a few cucumbers, more tomatoes and some courgettes (courtesy of KG mag). I think another month before I can put these babies outside and hope for the best!
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Hi oscarsidcup! Your tomato seedlings are looking great - far more advanced than mine, and already looking like they're ready to be potted on.

I would hold fire on putting your courgettes and cucumbers out unless they're under cover - in Hampshire we quite often get a late frost in mid May - I learnt the hard way a few years ago and lost all sorts on the allotment. But if that does happen, I've found re- seeding later on doesn't matter too much as everything does tend to catch up in the end.

I have a friend in Sussex who doesn't get frosts as late as us, so maybe you'll be fine. If you're like me, sometimes you've got to hope for the best as you run out of growing space on the window sills.

Good luck with all the growing - now you've got the bug, you won't stop. You'll never want to buy a tomato, potato, bean or cucumber ever again!

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Welcome to the forum.

I almost don't believe this beginner bit, those are fine sturdy looking Tomatoes and professional labels too! You are in a foreign country to me to comment on when to put things outside, I don't sow Courgettes for outside until 1st of May and I would never attempt outdoor Cucumbers.
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Thank you for your notes of encouragement Pawty and Geoff.

I was worried that these tomato seedlings were weak but you confirm they look good, THANK YOU, I shall keep the group abreast of their progress!

I would just like to reiterate that I am a complete newbie at gardening, yes indeed :D , despite the professional looking labels (just down to my OCD and a neat little Dymo machine really!). I do come from the East of France, which has a continental climate (so colder in the Winter than Kent and warmer & dryer in the summer) and try to remember what my mother used to do. She volunteered only reluctantly that she actually bought plug plants rather than using seeds for most things - so I am going completely blind on this first year of growing things I like to eat... I do remember cucumbers growing in the garden, so we shall see (at present the seeds are being watered and heated alongside the courgettes). The courgettes actually were not my initial idea, but rather opportunistic as the seeds came courtesy of KG magazine last month.

Next things I will be planting the garden directly this weekend (I live dangerously) are radishes, carrots and pearl onions. And I will try a row of salad maybe though it is really cold in the morning still.

Photo updates when there are things to report!

have a nice day everybody
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Welcome to the forum OscarSidcup!

It is, in my humble opinion, good to try things out in your own little micro climate. I'm a bit further south than you but I put in some carrots, beets, turnips, radish & the wee mixed salad plants I sowed to overwinter for mini leaves in the unheated greenhouse. (They grew, but well too slow to pick, so just just ready to go out now). They were looking perky under their environmesh cover but Storm Kt might have changed that. :)

Keep notes though, so you can compare year to year. (That's a do as a say, not as I do thing - really must try harder)!

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Hello all. Advice needed if I may.

My nice little seedlings are growing nicely and I can see some roots coming out of the bottom of the little plastic pots. At this time of year, do I repot them in slightly larger pots with John Innes 2 (or 3?) and keep them in the conservatory, or is it time to put them out in the garden (I do not have a green house, so if they are out, they are out for real)? Photo of the little ones (not so little) below...

tomatoes13aprilr.jpg (341.1 KiB) Viewed 5416 times


Oscar (in Kent)
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Hi Oscar - tomatoes are looking good. I'd pot on, but to be honest I only ever use a multi purpose at this stage (cheaper) and then feed regularly with a liquid feed.

I wouldn't put them out yet if you don't have a green house - ask around your neighbours and see if anyone knows when you get your last frost. When you do decide its time, make sure you harden them off for a couple of weeks first - a couple of hours a day at first (cold frames are good - cheap to build, though I got mine for £5 from the recycling centre).

If youre keeping them in the window, I find that keeping the curtains closed stops them going too leggy.

Note to self..... Must do some potting on this weekend ......

Another note to self.... Don't rely on th OH to water your seedlings.... Let's just say I'll be starting off more leaks and kale this weekend....

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Thanks Pawty!

So yes indeed - a potting weekend ahead! First must source larger pots as compost has been delivered. And I will investigate about the last frost date - that is a great piece of advice you just gave me - THANK YOU.

On other seedling news, the radishes in the raised bed outside are now coming nicely "a phalanx" is how my partner described them, it's been two weeks since we planted a row of seeds, so are going to plant another row this weekend too! And some salad, and maybe some more beetroots. I need to leave some space for the strawberries! First batch of carrots seems to be a bit slower so will wait another week or two before planting more. And meanwhile in the conservatory, the trials of cucumber and courgettes are fascinating. The courgette looks like it is on steroids with new leaves growing each day! And we can see some basil showing up.

This is all so exciting! I can't remember the last time I was so excited to see spring arrive!

Happy potting everybody


courgette13Apr.JPG (392.01 KiB) Viewed 5389 times
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