Life can be sweet when selfish b---s get what they deserve.

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Waiting for the bus home from the railway station I rather lost my rag with a moron who decided as the bus arrived to park right in front of me leaving the bus in the middle of the forecourt.

Tapped on his window, told him he was in a bus stop, got the vacant so what look of ignorance, as he ignored the bus right next to him. Invited him to partake of sex and travel and walked between his and the following idiots parked cars to board the bus.

Sat down and the third passenger to follow me waved his warrant card and said "I've just had a word with that bloke about his parking".

Idiot 1 drove off so our driver swung his nose across to the kerb and waited for the next train to arrive, then Idiot 2 realised he was trapped and started honking as our driver suddenly lost his battery for his hearing aid.
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Evening Peter,
That situation would make me react as you did,good on the bus driver.
What also gets up my nose is the selfish idiots who drive in the middle lane of the motorway even though the inner lane is clear.
Then there are the idiots who undertake the idiots who stoically stick in the middle lane :x :x :x
Regards snooky

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Nice one.............I love it when they get their comeuppence :D

What annoys me is the mums who push the prams into the road then look to see if there are any cars coming :?

At the top of my mums street the lemming pedestrians just walk out without looking too.

Then there are the ones with no indicators, the ones who tailgate, the ones who undertake, the ones who beep for no reason, the ones who use mobile phones or apply make up whilst driving...................

I could go on and on................and ffs don't get me started on supermarkets, banks, the standard of tv or any od the other thousand things that irritate me. :twisted:

I AM a happy grupmy old fart and proud of it :twisted:
Lots of love

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lizzie wrote:............I AM a happy grumpy old fart and proud of it :twisted:

Me too! :D
Do not put off thanking people when they have helped you, as they may not be there to thank later.

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I see all the makings of an 'Grumpy Old Farts' club here... I too am a trainee GOF member. I feel the force getting stronger everyday! :wink:
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You can count me in guys :wink:

I know this corner of the earth, it smiles for me...
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Bus drivers round here are the best at parking a car in if said car has been dumb enough to stop in the bus bay. It's great to watch. When they do it, it causes the traffic to queue up & down the main street, as the bus is forced to stop in the middle of the road if it can't get into the bus bay. They get pinned in there just long enough for everyone to stare at them and make them feel stupid, then they get released by the bus driver (when he or she is ready that is). POWER!
Maybe a person's time would be as well spent raising food as raising money to buy food - Frank A. Clark.
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We paint bridges for a living and get this...
Two chavs (wearing white track suit bottoms and white hoodies - looking good!!!!) were mouthing off to our painters working on a beautiful structure in Exeter. They were jeering, taking the pi**, shouting 'you missed a bit' and a lot worse. They ran away, lept over the end of the parapet (that is slightly higher than usual) and got wet DARK BLUE 2 pack polyurethane over their lovely outfits....shame. We had the last laugh. :lol:
Maybe a person's time would be as well spent raising food as raising money to buy food - Frank A. Clark.
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As Christmas approaches there are more and more 'Chelsea Tractors' arriving every day. They park in the petrol bays and entrance and exits of the local garage which has a mini mart and go shopping for 20 minutes.
Yesterday morning in the lane outside the village shop a 'Sloane' got out of her tractor and left the door open completely blocking the lane.
I had a word with her and didn't realize that in Chelsea they used the
'F word' every other word. I called her a selfish little bitch and she went mad. She got into her tractor and sat there with the door still wide open and began to make a phone call. I closed her door with my boot!
I fear that I too am becoming a grumpy old fart but come to think of it I have been one for some time!
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I too belong to the GOF club. I have just had the misfortune to have to drive back from Newton with Scales near Preston along the M55, M6, M61, M65, in very heavy snow there was only one lane only just open at one stage and the signs on the motorway told people to slow down. Did the mad people take any notice and slow down, did they heck. I was terrified at one stage as people were driving past on lanes which were covered with snow at such a speed and without lights. Do these people not care that they might cause an accident driving at such speeds. I was truly glad to get home tonight. (Good job no one was with me in the car I think I went through all the swear words I know) :shock:

Funnily enough it was snowing so hard I hadn't got a clue where I was on the motorway if I had broken down I could not have told anyone where I was. Scary.
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Welcome home Catherine - glad you are safe and sound.

I've had similar driving instances in torrential rain and bad ice. One of the worst was in France, after travelling on the overnight ferry from Plymouth to Roscoff. The dawn sun was so low and extremely bright, you couldn't see a thing. As I was on a very long haul down to the far south of France, I decided not to take any chances and pulled off onto the hard shoulder to wait awhile. Before I got underway a stationery queue of traffic built up - there had been a multi-car pile up a bit further up!

I am not even going to get started on my moans!! One of the worst is non-disabled people parking in disabled - and my parents were the worst! My dad had a disabled badge but my mother used to use (abuse) it when she was out on her own! We had major wars when we had to visit dad in hospital as I refused to park in the disabled bays - which meant we had to pay!

From another GOF!
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Thank you AnneThomas I was really glad to get home. Very stressful trip. I have started speaking to people who I see parking in disabled parking if I see them parking whilst I am walking past. I have received some terrible comments but I still keep going.
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Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh now lets go for it. Saturday on the plot, one of the Grumpy old men (the abusive type unfortunately) and an ex chairman to boot...............gave me a hard time. The tale being that after weeks of wondering if we were to get some manure, we agreed to let the young farmers deliver our manure, (I am no longer a committee member but organise the manure drop as we have a good rapport with said young farmers) The manure drop was organised in good faith as our grass allotment track was frozen but last sunday it started to thaw, causing a bit of a mudbath, but nothing that some raking and grass seed and a few months of nature would not put back.

Said grumpy old man decided to rant and rave at me because no one could get on the site, (there were at least half a dozen enthusiasts moving manure at that point) the track had been raked and duckboards put in place over the muddy bits, and we had just had three inches of rain overnight. Boy did he have a go, even worse when I reminded him of his failings as an autocratic chairman who did very little good.

Yesterday after high winds the only damage to the site was that two panes of glass on his greenhouse were popped by the gusty winds.

Now I am not deeply religious, but well surely there is such a thing as Karma.

And another thing (no save it for another day.............)

If I am not on the plot, I am not happy.........
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I'm a fully signed up member of GOF too! My pet hates.......... Those people that go to the gym regularly but can't walk from a car park to the ATM and have to block the road by parking illegally outside it. Mum's who stride about with their earphones in, smoking and talking on their mobile phones whilst their children face outwards from their pushchairs (they used to reassuringly face their mums who would actually talk to them during the journey) being visually assaulted by traffic and noises whilst being totally ignored by the adult who's supposed to be in charge - I'm sure it damages them for life. Finally (for now) the endless stream of youngsters, who I see every morning as I go to work in Walsall, getting their breakfast from Greggs in the shape of a sausage roll. No wonder we're becoming a nation of unhealthy young people when no-one gives them breakfast before they leave home.
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Can I enrol as GOF too please? Am becoming increasingly peeved with alsorts of stuff lately :x
Happy with my lot
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