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I had to go to hospital today for the second group session of back exercises, for an ongoing back problem i seem to have got.
The first week there should have been fifteen of us, but only eleven could be bothered to turn up.
This week only six turned up out of the fifteen.

This course of exercises is to help you keep mobile, so helping with pain and stiffness.
I'm lucky enough to probably be the fitest and most determined one there, but a couple of the few that are left, did nothing but whinge and moan, and i wouldn't be surprised if they are not there next week either.

I spoke to the head physiotherapist about this, and she said it's not unusual to have only two left for week four, and to make this worse there are three physiotherapists on duty.

This must be so disheartening for them, and it really has made me feel quite angry, what has to be said is very unusual for me.

Maybe some people just don't want to try and help themselves, and would rather sit about moaning about it.

I hope i haven't come across as being too hard, but it's just how i feel at the moment.

Amen. :wink:
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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No doubt these are the same people who'll complain about poor service in the NHS. I was at the doctor's on Tuesday and the number of appointments missed the previous week added up to 10 1/2 hours of doctor or nurse time. :roll:
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They were probably sent because they are on benefit whereas you volunteered.
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It is disheartening for the physios to have people not do as they're told. I've been on numerous physio sessions cos of my bone problems and keep on with the exercises as they are keeping me mobile. I don't want to be in my wheelchair yet cos i've got too much havoc to wreak yet. The whole world has not had the full "Lizzie Experience"

If people are in pain then sometimes it's hard to see beyond the pain to the life they might have if they put in the effort. I went on a 6 week Pain Management Programme which is really difficult to get on and loads of people dropped out. I found it beneficial but others find it easier to cope with the pain.

There's nothing any doctor can do for my problems but by keeping moving, going to the gym and have a PMA i'll last out for several more years yet. :twisted:
Lots of love

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Gosh the full "Lizzie experience" , i wonder if thats anything like a miracle. :roll:

Sorry to hear about your problems Lizzie, and didn't mean any disrespect to people that are not very good with pain tolerence. :oops:

I just really felt that some of these people were really playing the system.

Glad you and me are prepared to take the world on though Lizzie. :twisted: :) :wink:

Don't know if i should be asking this Lizzie, but what does PMA stand for. :?: :?
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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perhaps the ones who dont turn up have had a miracle cure :twisted: i'm sure that there are people who dont want curing, they seem to get so attached to their problem , perhaps cos if they got cured there would be nobody fussing arround them , listening to their moaning and they might have to go back to work
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Sorry to hear you've been suffering Herby.
Just watch your blood pressure when around all those nurses!
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Welcome to the NHS OH. So many people take it for granted. Whilst I would be the last person to want to see the USA system in place here, some kind of moderated Canadian approach would sort out most of these people.

Namely - you have a sort of 'insurance allowance' depending on age, ethnicity, history, diagnosis, prognosis, etc. There are those who see this purely as a form of rationing, but it could be used as a share out of resources according to need. We've got to move to some sort of 'contractual' agreement about who gets what, why and when, as currently a few take up most of what's available.

If you want a really depressing glimpse of what goes on - spend a few days on a children's ward and see how many come back because they've got constipation which is diet related.

Sorry to go on, but - just to finish - the average adult attends their GP 6 times a year. Who's using your 6 appointments?
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herby ill rub your back :wink:
i hate it when peeps that complain are always the ones who never pull their own weight-we get it a lot at school 'what are you doing for my child' 'which child the one who takes 3 weeks off during term time?'
anyway the offer stand! :shock:
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Agreed Jopsy! What really rubs the salt in the wound is when they ask for work - as if 'work' can replace the teaching they are missing. Also - since I'm griping - the parent who says ' he didn't want to come to school.' My stock answer to that now is - ' What's going on at home then?' There usually is something interesting or upsetting happening at home.
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Hi OH.

I hope you're finding the treatment is giving you benefit.

Otherwise, one thing that I've found has increased my general mobility & flexibility is T'ai Chi. No religion/belief need be involved and I actually got into this by using the warm-up stretches as a way of getting me down the allotment each morning!! I'm sure this in turn has improved my gardening :)

Since I was getting so much physical benefit, I started attending local classes and continue to enjoy it. It's great for backs, hips, wrists, shoulders, neck, etc but should obviously be started slowly if you've got specific medical conditions.

Some more info here:

Classes near you:

Feel free to drop me a PM if you'd like further info.

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Hi OH,
A few years back I had a replacement knee along with four others in our mini-ward. Three got on very well because we all tried. We all did as much physiotherapy as we could but the fourth one was a real moaner and nothing was ever right. The moaner could not get his leg onto back extension so the physio suggested he should lie on his back put his leg on a pillow and try and allow the leg's own weight would assist him.
He asked for how long and she said an hour.'He said what a whole hour and she said yes! He replied 'Oh an hour is far too long!' 'I couldn't do that' before the Physio had a chance to say anything we three said oh for gods sake it's only lying on your bed.
To cut a long and boring story short I had to go for a check-up a year later and he was there and he was on crutches and I asked why he said the knee had never been any good. I said did you do your physio and he said 'Why?' 'What good would that have done'
I was discharged from hospital on the Thursday and walked 3/4 of a mile up to my mates on the Saturday morning, had a cup of coffee, and walked back again. Prior to the operation I had to sit down twice when walking to my nearest tunnel 80 metres away. I can now run and kneel and forget that I have and artificial knee. Its marvellous!!
The other guy made himself a cripple because he simply could or would not follow the instructions he was given and was simply too idle to even do a few exercises. There's nothing quite so queer as folk!!
My stay in hospital was great and the choice of food was great but would you believe the moaner wasn't even prepared to fill in the form that accompanied your meal for the next meal so the nurses just took his slip or he would not have got anything.
The NHS has dealt me a couple of blows this year but but that is really due to my age and not the Service itself. I have always had the best of treatment from the NHS. Long may it prosper.
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I started yoga 5 years ago - once a week.

Compared to when I started I am much more supple... does it prevent back pains when strating digging after a layoff? No.. but they go very quickly....
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Thank you all for your kind thoughtful answers, i must say it really has been an eye opener for me.
All N.H.S workers really do seem to be up against it.

Right back to my sillier side, Zena you were right about those nurses. :D
And Jopsy, i'll decline you rubbing my back thank you, as i think it was a strange woman that was rubbing my back, that started this in the firs place. :shock: :D :wink:
Only joking. :)
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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i must admit i used to do yogalate-yoga and pilates it was great for increased strength and muscle tone
hope you're improving
jo n pegs xx
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