Hi Westi. Had to laugh at your description of over60s and their caviar etc.
I'm over 60 and in my younger days it was rice and red stuff or red and wet (living/working in countries such as Iraq). So now I am happy to have the Full Monty of any luxury going.
Simply Food by M&S is fine if you're on the motorway and need to grab a snack. Otherwise forget it. It's nothing like an M&S Foodhall.
I'd tended to think that Waitrose was the posh supermarket but heard or read somewhere recently that M&S is more expensive.
On which subject, apparently Sainsbury's ready meals score higher customer reviews than those of M&S. We checked this out by comparing their dishes and, in our opinion, S's are definitely better. Another thing is I've never been pleased with M&S meat, although their fish is OK. W'rose fish is fine and you get a discount on Fridays. Asda or Tesco are hard to beat for meat if you don't have a butcher handy. I will buy M&S fish if necessary but not usually.