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A queen buff tailed bumble bee.
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Is it on a broad bean flower, Burnie?

Good picture……
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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Did you see that thing on TV about the Asian Hornet is now likely to be a really proper big risk? Apparently more survived the winter than usual due to the milder conditions so the population will increase dramatically. It is a worry but I'm sure the clever guys in lab coats are busy looking for a solution. Just as I'm sure our bee keepers are being creative trying to keep them out of their hives, but that is probably a challenge as on the video clip they showed the Hornets don't have to get in the hive as they attack the honey bees on the wing returning to the hive. Bad news indeed!
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oldherbaceous wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:12 pm Is it on a broad bean flower, Burnie?

Good picture……
Bunyards Exhibition, doing it's bit to make our dinner.
Been gardening for over 65 years and still learning.
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