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I have a fairly powerful einhell strimmer, the type that takes the plastic blades, and even if buy the good quality ones they just break off. E bay has plenty of options for putting a different head on the tool such as brush cutter, wire brush type of thing and metal blades. Does anyone have any experience of doing such a conversion and any successess / avoids?
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Afternoon Compo, hope you are keeping well!

I’m not sure if all these different type heads are compatible with all machines…..I think it will be the threaded part that could be a problem but, they might all use the same size thread….or would the be just too simple!🙂
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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I also have an Einhell - the 4-stroke version 33-4S (bought a 4-stroke because I've lodged two warranty claims in the past for 2-strokes and all the response I got was you must have got the mixture wrong so I thought I would guarantee that couldn't happen again).
It came with disc cutters for brush cutting and a wimp of of a line head. I had previously bought a better line head so I fitted that, admittedly I had to get a friend to turn me a little bush to make it fit properly. It is a Portek model and takes 2.5mm line with an easy thread up system where you put in the line, equalise the two halves then wind it in with a little adapter. Unfortunately I can't spot it advertised anywhere but there may be other similar devices available.
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I bough a head for mine that would take 4 mm line and thicker if you could get it , it was made for all makes of machines admittedly this was in Spain were the weeds grow 25 mm or an inch in old money thick I’m sure there will be some one who could get you one who go over on holidays
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In the end I got some metal blades and bolted an extra blade on to counteract the weight imbalance. It has worked. Meanwhile I have ordered an einhell Agillo battery brush cutter. I have to be careful using petrol devices as I have a pacemaker.
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