Cool Chillies

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I think it would be nice to have a roundup of suggested cool/ zero or low heat chillies, up to 500/1000 Scoville heat Units. While some think Jalepenos are mild (obvs eat far hotter ones, as these are 2000-8000 SHU), they are far too hot for us. Although they are made less hot by candying them!

I have grown Trinidad Perfume and Poblanos and heatless Jalepenos and they are fabulous - no real heat and a much different flavour profile to bell types - the Trinidads are very fruity tasting, for example.

I wanted to find more to try but there seems be very little information re: varities and how good they taste - it seems the hotter the better is in vogue. I even found it is hard to find Poblano seeds this year, only Victoriana seems to have them (thank goodness someone does). I saw that Seaspring had some but there is little information/ reviews from growers

Do other chilli wimps have any variety recommendations? Or am I alone being a heat-phobe. :shock:
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Afraid I'm not in your club Breq as although one year I grew a range of chillies, we found the majority of them were far too hot to make our food enjoyable.
I ended up settling for the Hungarian (Hot) Wax variety which I think is regarded one of the milder varieties.

Althiugh interestingly, every so often I would pick a "rogue" fruit from a plant and find it nearly blew cur heads off. I could understand if a rogue seed from a hotter plant had got into a packet by accident but these were a single fruit which burnt your tongue off from a plant where all the other fruits were of "low" heat. Never did discover the reason why and haven't grown any for a couple of years as we still have a big bag in the freezer awaiting consumption. .
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I very rarely grow Chillies, especially after growing some Scotch Bonnets…Cook was not impressed….🙂
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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I'm in your camp Breq, just not into anything that will take the skin off my tongue. ;) However saying that I asked Mr to but me a couple of plants this year as lost sowings. Gave him strict instructions as to possible types & he came back with 2 mega hot chilli's with way too many zero's on the Scoville Scale - 'they looked bigger & healthier' was his response. Grew them anyway & all given to the Food Bank with appropriate warning on the bag.

I grow one that I found in one of the catalogues posted to me that was just called 'No Heat'. It technically should be called mild as there is some heat, but like a slight after warm.
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I'm rather in a different camp. I love chilli. 7 pot yellow is a favourite - named because one chilli is enough for 7 pots of food. Can't see the point of growing a chilli without heat - isn't it just a sweet pepper ?
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