Husband just spotted a mouse in the kitchen

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What a darned nuisance. I'not afraid of them but I hate the way they get into everything sh!tting everywhere and destroying food as they go.

I'm going to have to make sure everything is put away in sealed containers. Otherwise it's a mighty feast for it/them. Meanwhile husband is off to buy traps, and skirting board, etc to plug any entry gaps.

This house has always had a rodent vermin problem. I'd thought that our letting agent had got builders to plug all the gaps where they could get in. Obviously not so.

I know the housewife with rolling pin is an old cliche but I'm getting my rolling pin out now (don't have a baseball bat) and if I see any vermin on my kitchen counters it'll very soon be dead vermin. :evil:
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There seems to be a huge amount of mice about this year….Old Codger and another allotment holder, have been catching loads of mice on the allotments eating beetroot…they leave them on the allotment and the Kite is there within minutes, picking them up!
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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We've got the type of traps that poison the mouse but then traps it inside. Only using these inside as we don't want to poison any wildlife. We occasionally used to get a fox but I've not seen it since we've been back.

I don't mind foxes. They don't cause us any problems except perhaps a very occesional turd on the patio. Not a big deal and considering our ex-neighbour had four cats which did do a lot of damage I was always glad if I spotted a fox.

If you're farm, country or even just a bit rural it's not so bad but in densely packed suburbia the cats are going to roam far beyond your own boundaries. I think it's very inconsiderate to have pets that come into our garden to defecate and then dig up our plants. I'm glad they left. No idea what we'll be getting next.
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Dunno what's happened to it. No sign of any overnight activity on the worktops, ie sh!ts. Husband found more gaps to plug yesterday (some new skirting board) so maybe it's gone out and can't get back in. Maybe the poison in our traps got it and we'll know by the smell in a few days time. Or maybe I'll open a kitchen drawer with food packets and find the whole lot is only fit for the bin while the mouse is having the feast of its life.
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