Pea sprouts?

Harvesting and preserving your fruit & veg

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All my gardening is done indoors as we live in a city centre flat. I'm growing peas in a container in a sunny spot. Despite the lateness of the year, they're doing pretty well. I love pea sprouts in a salad or as a garnish.

My question is - if I keep harvesting the pea sprouts will it mean that I never get peas? I'm mostly a beginner at gardening but I've found with some plants if I keep cutting them back they grow all the more. Is that the case with peas?

Help, please.
sally wright
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This post should help and answer your questions.
Regards Sally Wright
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Excellent! Thanks, Sally. Given how late it is in the year, I think I'll continue to enjoy the pea shoots and forego the potential of peas. I can always get frozen peas from the supermarket. Next year I'll aim to have two containers - one for peas and one for shoots.
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