Horse manure

Harvesting and preserving your fruit & veg

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Hi everybody, I was wondering if anyone has experience of shredded horse manure or muck as it’s called around here I’m talking about the treated stuff that has all the seeds and pathogens in it killed off, the reason Im asking is theres a guy coming to our allotment selling it as well as potting compost he is charging £5 for 3 x 60 ltr bags ,the potting compost is no problem most of my fellow plotters have used it in the past and confirm it’s good stuff
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Robo,the only concern I would have with it is, if the horses had been on grass, or eaten hay, that had been sprayed with a very strong Herbicide, and it coming through in the muck.
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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That’s one reason I stopped buying horse muck most of my crops seem to have been on the small size especially my spuds
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I agree with that, OH and robo. We had problems on the allotment a few years ago, so now that we need far less manure for our vegetable patch at home, I buy the bagged ORGANIC manure at the local garden centre - better safe than sorry.
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Any way you can get hold of some cow? Lots more nutrients as lots more poo & all those stomachs do a great job of filtering? With horse, the process happens by the hands of the guy that prepped it & then human error comes into play!
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Up to now I’ve bought 9 x60 ltr bags of it ,it’s made by growise who seem to be a reputable company also 3 bags of potting compost I should have enough to last a couple of years
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