B road bean sowing

Need to know the best time to plant?

Moderators: KG Steve, Chantal, Tigger, peter


I haven't had time to finish digging over my new allotment yet so plan to sow some broad bean seeds in pots in my greenhouse to plant out later. I have Imperial Green Longpod. Have I left it too late?Also, can a broad bean seed be sown anyway or is there a correct way 'up'? Thanks.
KG Moderator
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Not too late at all and most seem to advocate sowing scar end down though it does not seem to make a huge differance.

Farmers son looking to get back to the land full time one day.....

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KG Regular
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You'll find a long discussion about broad beans, scars and all on 'Best Practice'.
KG Regular
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I have stated my conclusions on the other one, in brief in my trialit doesn't really make that much difference if any which way up you put them.
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