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sunblush tomatoes

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:55 am
by Granny
For these you really need heavy, fleshy tomatoes. I tried with something like Tigerella and ended up with dried skins!

18 tomatoes
6 cloves garlic crushed with salt
oregano or basil or both
olive oil

Oil a baking tray (or 2)
Heat oven to 100 degrees C

Cut the tomatoes in half, scoop out the seeds, dab the insides with kitchen paper then lay them cut side down on kitchen paper for a while to dry a bit.

Mix herbs, pepper, garlic.
Spread the mixture on the tomatoes and put them on the baking tray cut side up.
Drizzle a bit of oil on each.

Bake for about 4 hours.

Timing really depends on how ripe the tomatoes are etc so it's worth looking at them from time to time.

When they're cool they can be stored in a jar along with excess herbs and oil from the tray. Top up with olive oil and store in the fridge.

When we've eaten them I use the leftover oil for cooking, salad dressing etc.
