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Not sure if I should post this....

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:10 pm
by sandersj89
Might get some one excited!



Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:47 am
by Chantal
I have a friend who invents and markets the sort of items this could be mistaken for (I think :oops: ); I'll be seeing him later and I must show him this photo! :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:25 am
by Piglet
Is this the "handbag" version? :twisted:

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:10 am
by lizzie
Looks like the one Grocks husband grew. He named his "Housewives Choice!" :shock:

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:27 pm
by oldherbaceous
I thought it would be housewives disappointment. :shock: :wink:
Something that always makes me smile to myself, is at the harvest sale. There is always quite a few of the old straight laced old ladies there, and whenever a large cucumber or marrow come up, they all start giggling like school girls, highly embarrassing for someone like me, that has led such a sheltered life. :shock: :wink: :D

Kind regards Old Herbaceous.

When i'm not fishing i'm mending my nets.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:31 pm
by lizzie
Herby, if you've led a sheltered life, then i'm Naomi Campbell :twisted:

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:05 pm
by oldherbaceous
Naomi Campbell :?: Lizzie why put yourself down, you have got a far better sense of humour, and who knows you might be better looking as well. :shock: :wink:

Kind regards the short sighted Old Herbaceous.

Theres no fool like an old fool.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:51 pm
by lizzie
Oh, you're a smooth talker Herby, you old softy.

It's more like the good, the bad and the one with the nice personality :shock:

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:59 am
by Jenny Green
Piglet wrote:Is this the "handbag" version? :twisted:

Wow Piglet. You must have an!

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:14 pm
by Zena
Have they been putting something in the water out yourway Old H? You're flattering in all directions this week! Or are you just hoping for lots of birthday cards??

Chantal, your friend invents those things?? how did they get that job?? no, i don't want to know!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:44 am
by Chantal
He's self employed Zena and he invents all sorts of things; a self feeding fishing float is a big seller I understand. However, with his "toys" he's actually into production as well which can be very embarrassing when he comes into the office (he also works with me one day a week selling advertising would you believe)and drops a sample of the latest product on my desk. :oops: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:34 pm
by oldherbaceous
Dear Zena, i do some work for an old lady, and i'm sure she is putting powdered rhino horn in my tea.
With the result of me loving everyone. :shock: :wink:
How do you know i have got a birthday coming up, you haven't been hanging around outside my house again have you. :wink:
I reckon Jopsy couldn't handle us lot she seems to have gone. :D

Kind regards Old Herbaceous.

Thres no fool like an old fool.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:46 am
by lizzie
Are you sure it's rino horn Herby? With all these loving vibes you're giving out it could be Ecstasy, that gets you all loved up so i'm told.

Personally, I love anyone who'll make me a good cuppa and a fry up. I'm easy to please :wink:

As for Jopsy, does anyone know anything? Maybe she's on her holidays too.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:46 pm
by peter
Chantal, perhaps your friend only goes into production on the ones that make you blush?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:19 pm
by Zena
Lizzie,I agree - a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea and I'm anyones!
Fish and chips and a bottle of guiness is my idea of a good night out!

Old H, sorry to disppoint you _ I'm still working on my posh disguise before I venture out your way. You oh so subtly mentioned your birthday on another thread. that powdered rhino horn must be affecting your memory as well as as other parts!