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Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 3:46 pm
by Stravaig
I'm thinking of doing a pop-up of soups just before Christmas. Either I'll try for it in our front garden or I'll bribe the next-door neighbour (probably with soup :D ). He has a bigger and barer garden.

Purchasers could eat there and then, or take home. I'd need to do the costings but soup is cheap to make so I could sell it cheaply too.

I'll need to check out the legality of this but I don't think it'll be onerous to comply.Another thing is my food hygiene certificate must've expired (again) by now so I'll need to do that again. Actually, I'm not sure I'd actually need to but I'd be more comfortable to have it. It can be done online in a couple of hours and costs around £20.

If the soup idea is a success, I might branch out into curries and other stuff. You know, casseroles, stews, etc. We're not talking about fine dining. Just stuff that can be easily served from a slow cooker which is keeping it hot. There's a lot of students in this area, but I expect they've gone home for Christmas. They would be a good target market once they come back.

Re: Pop-ups

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:13 am
by Primrose
Think this is a kind idea. Are you located inan area where there,s a lot of passing traffic who fit into the category of people you,re aiming at?

Re: Pop-ups

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 11:44 am
by Stravaig
Hi Primrose. Nah, there's not a lot of passing traffic but if I need help we can do leafletting. Normally there'd be quite a lot of students but I expect they'll have gone home for the Christmas holidays. But that still leaves me with quite a few elderly people and those who can't/don't cook. I'd not worry too much about marketing. The stuff will pretty much sell itself. :D