Spot the lie - stupid game

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You can tell three things - two are truths, one is a lie. The others have to guess. It's fun! Try it!

1. Harry Potter was at our wedding reception.

2. I have a cousin living in Saudi.

3. Gordon Brown (ex-Prime Minister) visited and spoke to me whilst I was on hunger strike in Edinburgh.
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Oh come one you lot. This could be fun!

I'll try again:

I did a painting of a naked man and sent it to a Bishop's son.

The best meal I ever had was a fish, which I caught, and vegetables which my stepfather grew.

Whilst in Outer Mongolia, I had to have a tooth removed.
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I would play but don't get it. Soz I'm a bit thick but???
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I don’t get it either…🙂
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

There's no fool like an old fool.
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It's not difficult. Someone says three things about themselves. Two are true. One is a lie. The others can have fun guessing which is the lie. They can also post three things about themself - two of which are true, one is a lie.

It is quite fun if it gets going. (That's not a lie. :D )
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post 1: lie = no. 3
post 2: lie = no. 1

here are my 3:
I met the tall guy who played Bib Fortuna in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

I tried to grow chickpeas one year and succeeded

My uncle was Gary Numan's keyboard player in the 80's
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Sorry, Mrs Pants. Wrong on both counts. But please submit your own three things! :D

Oops, sorry, just noticed that you've already done it.
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I think the chickpea thing is the lie. :wink: The others are a bit too odd or outrageous not to be true.
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Sorry Stravaig, that’s not right! I did grow, dry and eat the chickpeas, it was a very good summer, around mid 1990’s
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LOL! I can't imagine growing chickpeas. I'd just go to Asda and buy a tin.

Thanks for jining in. :D
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It was early in my allotment career and just for the heck of it! I’ll try to think of some more lies when I get a chance :)
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I should probably have explained my truths that were suspected of being lies. :D Mrs Pants is doing a much better job than I am.

The Gordon Brown claim is true. Back in the early 1980s (Thatcher years) I was an active Labour Party member and lived in Edinburgh. After some sweeping cuts to benefits a group planned a hunger strike activity (a publicity stunt) and I agreed to join in. We set up camp outside a DHSS building, and were to be on hunger strike for 24 hours.

It was quite good fun. We attracted quite a lot of attention from people passing by. One slightly inebriated gentleman was very keen to express his support for us and offered to buy us all a fish supper. (Erm, we're on hunger strike, mate.) LOL!

At that time Gordon Brown was a young, attractive and very active Scottish MP. He visited us hunger strikers to talk to us and show his support. So, yes, Gordon Brown, ex-Prime Minister, did visit me when I was on hunger strike.
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I did a painting of a naked man and sent it to a Bishop's son is also true, although it was just something that happened rather than any deliberate strategy.

A couple of years ago British Embassies worldwide were encouraged to do some activities for St David's Day (1st March). In Ukraine, among other things, the Embassy had an art competion which a Welshman offered to organise.

Cartooning is one of my hobbies and my painting just happened to have a naked man in it. Nothing rude! And I duly sent in my entry to the organiser. Much later, by pure coincidence, we (husband and I) shared a vehicle from A to B with this guy. He said to me that he didn't think our paths had crossed before. I agreed but added - I did send you a picture of a naked man. He laughed and said how much he'd enjoyed the cartoon.

It only came out later in another conversation that he is a Bishop's son. :D
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I did really meet Michael Carter (Bib Fortuna) a few years ago at work, he was in for a costume fitting for a film called 'Centurion'. We made all the costume armour for the film.

My uncle did know Gary Numan, as they were at school at the same time, so, although he could easily have been his keyboard player, he was too busy being a a sailor in the navy, stationed on the Ark Royal! (altjhough, that may have been 70's, my memory is a bit blurry)
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Take a deep breath before trying to figure this out. :D My cousin's boyfriend's brother was in the group Bad Manners.

We were all invited to a concert and the group's dresssing room afterwards. It was such a lot of fun!

(That's true. No lies in there.)
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