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Recipe of the day

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:41 pm
by paul r
How to stir up a hornets nest:- take a forum loved by all (warts and all) and completely change it. Bound to upset a few, remember "if it aint broke dont fix it"? the main concern i have is the compartmentlisation (made up word ?) it just makes the thing needlessly cumbersomme and dis jointed. this message really belongs under news and views (i suppose) under the old system i read most things according to heading (maybe missing out "anyone got a new grommet for a briggs and stratton" and the like) on this format to read all i have to keep faffing about from one place to another for no good reason at all. the title of the message is enough, lifes to short to keep "clicking about from one sub section to another. Plus it was one of the things most requested not to happen! you say you are listening. but that aside i think things will carry on much the same, i'm warming to the site but with that one major wishes paul. :|

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:10 am
by paul r
thats clever. a post to readers recipes which arrived in the right location yesterday has now turned up in this section?? timed at an earlier time than the original. could be me but i dont think so, somewhat takes the point out of placing the message there in the first place. :)..... its early days but i think things already seem much as before, regards to content from everyone and really thats the bottom line. I for one missed the forum when it was offline and had a quick scout around and didnt find anything to replace it. nice to see some familiar names having a regards paul.

Over enthusiastic moderation?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:43 am
by Brian the snail
Hi Paul, I suspect you've been the victim of some over-enthusiastic moderation... looks like they read your post, and thought you wanted it moved to the news and views section!

Don't worry, they'll get used to us soon! :lol: