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Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:33 am
by JohnN
I have quite a good crop of Goosgogs on my single bush, but I'm not sure when to pick them?
They are pretty well full size, but still seem hard to the touch. Some are changing colour, some still green. Is there any definitive sign of ripeness? Thanks for advice.
John N

Re: Gooseberries

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:25 pm
by peter
Going yellowish, or purple if a "red" variety.

Re: Gooseberries

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:32 pm
by glallotments
I give mine a little squeeze and they should give a little rather than being hard and firm. If in doubt I taste one to see if it is sweet.

If yours are hard to the touch I'd give them longer or they are likely to be on the sour side.

Re: Gooseberries

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:42 pm
by Geoff
I don't think it really matters a lot. You can use then under ripe and they don't spoil easily. If you are picking them to use rather than preserve just keep thinning them as you need them. Admittedly if they are red when very ripe they are almost a different fruit but still delicious.

Re: Gooseberries

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:03 pm
by FelixLeiter
Unripe gooseberries is a particular bug bear of mine. I believe gooseberries are best when left to fully ripen and, although they can be cooked and eaten unripe, when left to fully ripen take on a fully rounded, sweet and fragrant flavour, good enough to be eaten raw (or at least I do). Also, it's surprising how big they can get — more fruit for your money. They way to tell when they're ripe is, simply, to taste them. Colour is a good guide: green varieties turn a lovely goldeny chartreuse, sometimes with a little rosie blush on the sunny side; red varieties turn wine red, the deeper the red the sweeter.