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Re: Kitten in training?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:57 pm
by sally wright
Dear all,
a friend of mine was investigating a strange smell under her bed and found a very dead crow under there! It was all spread out and was very difficult to remove at it still had two cats attached to the other end. EWWWW!!!!
My neighbour came home one day to find the house in darkness and as she traversed the hall she was treading on all sorts of squidgy and crunchy bits. When light was restored she found the remains of a wood pigeon scattered along the hall and feathers all over the downstairs of her house and wafting upstairs as well.
Then there was the live rats my own cat used to bring me; the dead ones were bad enough but the live ones still bring me out in a cold sweat.
Those are the worst cases I can think of, so you might want to leave off eating for some time OH!
Regards Sally Wright.

Re: Kitten in training?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:58 pm
by peter
Lucky OH, we can't put any food down anywhere lower than five foot up and expect to find it still there if we turn away for one minute......

Re: Kitten in training?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:18 pm
by Westi
OH - I've bet you've had worse in your shoe! :D :D :D


Re: Kitten in training?

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:31 am
by oldherbaceous
You lot have know put me off my Turkey on toast, that i was going to have for breakfast. :)

Re: Kitten in training?

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:43 am
by Diane
We found a completely flattened out frog under the carpet in the conservatory one year. It must have been there for at least a year and had the look of a leaf that's been in a flower press for a decade :shock:

Re: Kitten in training?

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:46 pm
by Chantal
Filbert is officially a big boy. Diego failed to bring any mice in for him and Filbert has discovered how to use the cat flap to go looking for his own. He's been in and out all day and has now collapsed exhausted in front of the fire.

He's been so clever, we didn't show him how to use the flap at all, just had to put my aerobic step in front of the back door to give him a bunk up to reach the flap. It's a microchip flap and he's long recognised that a click means an incoming or outgoing cat, but his excitement at being able to do it himself...

All I have to worry about now is him taking care of himself in the big wide world ; right now I feel I won't sleep unless he's on my pillow!

Oh, and don't tell him, but he has a vet's appointment coming up soon to make him a socially acceptable tom cat. Sorry boys :lol:

Re: Kitten in training?

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:52 pm
by Monika
Our long departed cat Sammy (from Samantha not Samuel!) used to bring in live mice and voles and take them straight upstairs into the bathroom, drop them into the bath and then chase them round in there, knowing that they could not escape! I can still hear the thumping and scurrying about going on when I write about it - it was neither kind to the mice nor pleasant to witness.

Re: Kitten in training?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:42 pm
by Chantal
Filbert went to the vet for the unkindest cut of all yesterday. I warned the nurses that without Sean or I there he may revert to his feral ways (he's not very good with strangers), but when we went to collect him, everyone wanted to take him home. Apparently he was cute and wanted cuddles all afternoon. I am SO proud of him :D