Healthy and balanced diet

General Cooking tips

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I am not over weight, do 4 hours gardening 4 days a week on average and always thought I ate a balanced diet till one day I blacked out and ended up A & E. after extensive tests found I was short of potassium. eventually it was discovered it was the Blood pressure tablet the doctor insisted I take because of my 'age' that was the culprit blocking the absorption. I now don't take any pills or potions. Not always as simple to stay healthy as we think.

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I think the wartime diet was fairly healthy, if extremely boring due to the low amounts of fat and sugar eaten, as everything was on ration, and childrens' teeth suffered little decay due to the lack of sugar.

On this topic I'm currently reading a fascinating library book called "Air Raids and Ration Books". Some of you might be interested to read these hints from it for helping to survive the wartime rationng regime.

Alternatives to butter for spreading on bread. Wash half a pint of lentils . Boil gently with sufficient water to cover. Stir in three oz of grated cheese, two ounces margarine, one cupful of breadcrumbs, grated nutmeg, salt & pepper to taste. Stir mixture well. Simmer for ten in jars with melted margarine on top. spread on bread instead of butter.

Potato and carrot cake
4 oz. flour, 4 oz grated raw potato, 4 oz grated raw carrot, 8 oz mixed dried fruit, 2 oz fat, 2 teaspoons baking powder,1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda.

Rub the fat into the flour, mix in the potato and carrot, then the mixed fruit and finally the baking powder and the bicarbonate of soda. There should be enough moisture in the carrot and potsto to mix the cake. Grease a deep cake tin, add mixture and bake for about 40 minutes in hot oven .

Fruit can be stewed with about half the normal amount of sugar if you add a generous pinch of bicarbonate of soda . Add this first and when half cooked, add the sugar.

To make minced meat go further, add a small cupful of breadcrumbs, rice or lentils.

To make tea go further, grind your leaves up with a pestle and mortar. This can reduce the quantity you use by up to half. If you open both ends of the tea packet, this could render another teaspoon of tea. A pinch of soda in the teapot can also reduce the amount used by one teaspoon. Save leftover tea in a thermos and reheat

COFFEE When in short supply use acorns. Remove the shells, roast carefully in a ct iron pan with a lid, checking regularly. Grind in a coffee grinder. Use instead of coffee or to eke it out.

FAT Cut the fat off raw meat, accumulate and store in a cool place. When you have enough, put in a pan, cover with water and stew gently. Set aside to cool then spoon off the thick layer of fat which has accumulated.

PRESERVES . Use half a teaspoon of bicarb of soda per pound of fruit when making jam / marmalade to use less sugar, using 3/4 of a pound instead of a pound for each pound of fruit. If you can get oranges for marmalade, eke them out by dissolving an orange jelly and while still hot, add a 1 lb jar of marmalade to it. This will give you nearly three times the amount you started with.

CHEESE. To eke out cheese when cooking with it, add a dash or curry powder or dry mustard to give the sauce more of a kick.

To make cheese spread,
1. save odds and ends of cheese until you have four ounces. Grate finely. Add half an ounce of margarine, a dash of mustard or a teasppon of worcester sauce. Mix with a fork, pot up and keep cool

2. Cook sieved butter beans with a little melted margarine and finely grated cheese. Season liberally with salt & pepper & mustard.

Parsnip spread 1 lb boiled parsnips mashed with 2 oz margarine, salt, pepper and Bovril or Marmite.

Fish paste. Mix cooked minced haricot or butter beans and flavour with anchovy essence.

MILK If you have no milk, make up a substitute solution by boiling a tablespoon of oatmeal in a pint of water and leave it to cool. This will be fine for making cakes and scones.

EGGS . Eggs will go further for a meal if you beat for scrambling then mix in cold cooked rice, bread soaked in milk or a little cold mashed potato. For using to bind ingredients like fish cakes instead of egg use tapioca which has been left in water sufficiently long make a jelly substance to ise as a binding agent. For recipes which require several eggs, use one egg and make up with cornflour, and use grated carrot instead of eggs in batter pudding.

ONIONS. In the absence of onions, use a small tin of onion soup to add flavour to a casserole or stew, or substitute leeks.

I remember my mother telling me you could make mock marzipan by mashing up tinned haricot beans and adding a little almond essence but apparently it set like concrete :lol:

I think many young people today would struggle to survive for long under such a regime when they are used to living on ready prepared supermarket meals.

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Monika wrote:
As for a 'healthy and balanced diet', everything in moderation, I say,

Well-yes, of-course. And being on the heavy side and healthy is quite different to being so overweight you can't walk properly any longer.

I'm a regular drinker, after my days work a beer and always a glass of wine as I cook. Often another couple of glasses means I drink too much though that "too-much" seems too have evolved as I got too enjoy my evening drink more. In the afternoon/evening I'm starting to hurt from my days activity, a drink helps and is an alternative to more drugs that are pushed in my direction for the benefit of large pharmaceutical companies with little concern for their effects on my health.

I'm probably addicted to my habit of a drink,in the afternoon/evening though in the same way as I can't function without my morning two coffees and a cup,of tea later with breakfast. Then another cup of tea later, tea stops the absorption of many nutrients in the food we eat so we shouldn't drink tea. Nor should we drink coffee though both those drinks have some benefit.

Most of the information we get is provided by poorly researched information eaked out by journalists earning a living to produce a regular X000 words a week regardless of the validity and substance.
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As my old friend used to say, (god bless him) if we ever spoke about healthy eating or keeping fit...

"What ever you do, something will still get you in the end"

I can still see that twinkle he had in his eyes......
Kind Regards, Old Herbaceous.

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It's what I Was going to say OH but even my train-of-thought gets interfered with by memory loss.

By the way, when I read you had a wisdom tooth remover I had a cold sweat, I'm a complete fairy when it comes to any messing about in my mouth even though I have a very considerate dentist.
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Hi guys,

I am a bit overweighted I must confess but I keep myself from following a strict diet. I eat everything , 50% fruits and water, bread, veg and very often a small amount of fatty foods avoiding excess. For me, a healthy and balanced diet means eating everything in a reasonable amount. What matters much when being overweighted is to find great clothes which suit you well, this should be put in parenthesis :lol: :(
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sweet31 - Firstly welcome to the forum!

Agree totally with you! The nonsense I hear from my colleagues at work is frightening! Someone's doing this diet that induces ketoacidosis - think the acid bit in that is a clear signal & diabetics would agree! I eat way over the the recommended 5 a day as use up my produce in soups & stews & actually enjoy lentils & beans etc & take in fruit. What I do however, as I like Richard enjoy a wine or beer, is to fill up on the good stuff through the day & omit supper so I can enjoy my wine without the calorie guilt!

I'm still overweight but lost loads of weight by doing this & no diet gurus or rip off companies involved!

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Well, according to modern ideas my diet is a disaster but I do not have a weight issue and my last bloodwork was fine. I have M.E of long standing with a lot of extra damage due to 30 yrs of misdiagnosis and damaging wrong treatment. There is so much I cannot eat and as age increases this is growing. They now know that we have crazy erratic bloodsugar levels and that caffeine helps, which my body already knew hence my constant craving for coffee and sweet stuff. Now I can no longer swallow anything sizeable also. Fruit makes me ill and vegetables are going the same way. Exercise as most understand it is out; daily tasks are more than enough. Yet I have no measurable deficiencies and innards work fine. I take a multi vit when I remember but even the anaemia i had in younger days has vanished. Gave up red meat ages ago and fish is far too expensive, seeing we are surrounded by sea. No one size fits all for diet. I eat small meals several times a day.. really one three course divided in three! Used to know an old couple here; the man ate eg duck eggs and his cholesterol was fine. She ate nothing cholesterol rich yet hers was high.. My best health tip is stay away from drs and crowded places. None of them here believe M.E exists. Once at a craft fair the kind pancake maker gave me a waffle with nutella, whipped cream and strawberries YUM! The trader next to me, who sells seaweed etc and is a food faddy, shouted ¨FAT AND SUGAR! at me in disgust.. Let us not become the Food Police! Enjoy what you eat.. I do!
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Well any healthy diet here is about to be blown as last night we were facing two big bags of brown crusts (cut off "posh" sandwiches for a charity fund raising event we helped cater for) and a lot of nice mixed sandwiches which were left over.

Planning to turn the crusts into tasty garlic croutons. Wondering about Fried Bread Sandwiches. Anybody ever tried fried bread smoked salmon & cream cheese? Coronation chicken?, cheese & pickle ?? :lol: Can't bear to waste food. They're currently in polythene sandwich bags in fridge and still quite fresh. Suppose I could always freeze them.
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Just to illustrate the problem with people rather than all people, I had to stop walking my dog and other weight-baring things because one of my hips is probably failing. Whilst it's only small I put on 2 kilos within two weeks.

I'll have to my bike out more often, I still have a good range of movement and yes, I can get down and back up of the floor without any help but it's painful.

Another beer then.
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Primrose wrote:Well any healthy diet here is about to be blown as last night we were facing two big bags of brown crusts (cut off "posh" sandwiches for a charity fund raising event we helped cater for) and a lot of nice mixed sandwiches which were left over.

Planning to turn the crusts into tasty garlic croutons. Wondering about Fried Bread Sandwiches. Anybody ever tried fried bread smoked salmon & cream cheese? Coronation chicken?, cheese & pickle ?? :lol: Can't bear to waste food. They're currently in polythene sandwich bags in fridge and still quite fresh. Suppose I could always freeze them.

This is when a sandwich toaster maker really comes into its own.. Yummy thought! Far better than frying.. healthy is as healthy does of course and I refuse to feel guilty about anything I eat... food is a joy Oh and yes they will freeze well... opps, being smothered by an amorous cat ....
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We are having a massive pudding after dinner, don't know what it's called but it's like a cake with our lovely pink forced rhubarb and a crumble top.

Deadly, but I refuse to balk at the idea of tucking into extras eve n though I should careful because of my loss of mobility. No cream though.
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We have some forced rhubarb ready for eating. The only thing I don,t like about rhubarb (and gooseberries) is the large amount of sugar required to make it palatable. Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
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I stick to the see food diet with a side order of cider , the cider is part of my 5 a day :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Most of my life ive been painfully thin it was always a problem in my younger days when playing rugby I just did not carry the weight ,strength wasn't a problem I was as strong as an ox I think it was working on building sites from when I first left school mainly working for a one man band as we call them now I've got the weight but thanks to a Heart attach I've no bloody strength but at least I proved the wife wrong she used to tell everybody I didn't have a heart , to many mates have died too early to worry about diets
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I'm with you on that, at every opportunity someone will roll their eyes at my regular drinking.

I get up in the morning and make good coffee, two cups. Occasionally a third if I get a visitor who is desperate for good coffee. In the afternoon/evening depending on how sore I feel I have a beer and always wine with my food. I never get pissed, I get more tired and go to bed early which is a good way of not getting pissed if the wine is good.

My parents were always drunk because they didn't know about enough, two sisters and an eldest daughter never learnt about enough then want to speak on the phone when the bottle is empty.

I set my own standards years ago now some ass-hole wants me to stop but it's ok for everyone to take those other drugs that cause irreparable damage and the pharmaceuticals stop the government vehicles making a fuss.

I think a nice drink makes me happy, being able to walk and dig and do things also makes me happy. The doing has worn me out over the years, people who sat and got fat said I did too much and that's why I hurt all the time.

No one has an answer that holds water so I'll have a glass or two of whatever takes my fancy this afternoon and I'll be in bed between 6/8 which is another problem I have but it works. I love going to bed early, getting of my legs and reading the papers until my other drugs kick in and I sleep.
How are you supposed to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle if it completely removes a wine lover’s reason to live?
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